Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day...

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Deck Day Two...

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Let The Games Begin...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Congratulations Chance!!!

So that's it, last day of school... The kids are SO excited about it being summer vacation, not that I blame them, I never did like school at all! Off to Taylor's 'end of the year party'...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Not Much Going On Here...

I doubt there are though, I'm anal about my solder joints, etc... Who knows though. So yeah, that's what's going on around here. I am on a mission, I MUST finish this soon because I'm tired of working on it!! We'll see how that works out!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
PC Hell...
Of course now that I am transferring everything over, it's like, hmmm... I thought 170GB would be PLENTY of space... Turns out it may not be though, ugh!! I suppose it will have to do for a while, but I remember when 60, 80 or 100GB of hard disk space was MORE than enough... I think I need to setup a separate storage device with a TB of space just so I never run out, at least for the next year or so... It's stunning how much space just the average user needs these days with digital pictures, movies, songs, etc... Of course my song collection doesn't take up all that much space because I listen to the same songs over and over, but the rest?? Yeah, it's starting to take up too much space...
I suppose I should just consider myself lucky that I can do all this myself though without having to pay someone else to do it... :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

Of course the kids are enjoying the pool, along with all of their neighborhood friends!

Lot left to do though... Sigh!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Lights, Camera, Action...

On to another topic though, for a change... The 'Federal Gas Tax' holiday that both McCain and Clinton are touting... I'm with Obama on that one, it is pandering PLAIN and SIMPLE!! It will save most Americans about twenty or thirty bucks... I read somewhere that it would be the equivalent of solving the obesity problem in this country by making Twinkies, ho-hos, and deep-fried Mars bars tax deductible. They are right! It's pandering for votes, no way around it. The problem is, most people are so Fing stupid, they probably think it will save them money.
Lets say you drive 41 miles a day, the average would be about a gallon and a half of gas a day... The federal tax on that is 27 cents! Wow! So this 'proposed' Federal Gas Tax holiday will save the average consumer about 23 bucks over the entire summer... Try not to spend it all at once... Idiots... That would be the American people who would vote for those morons for proposing it, the smarter American people would denounce McCain and Clinton for being so idiotic and vote for Obama even though they don't agree with everything he says... Obama though has called it like it is, pandering for votes amoung the great unwashed, and wow, there are a LOT of them!!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Will It Ever End, Doubtful...

Saturday, May 03, 2008
Nervous Wreck...
Mike brought Canyon over today, I guess Canyon hounded him to no end about coming over, so Mike finally brought him over. Of course the first thing on the kids mind was the 'dirt bike'...

Canyon gave it a good try, but then decided he would rather swim! So Tanner and Canyon went swimming, Chance took the bike around until it got dark. Then Chance joined them in the pool. Myself, I was out watching all of it of course, reading my book, "World Without End". I'm so close to the end of the book, I don't want to put it down! I ran out of light at the pool watching them swim, but now they are all in. I'm on page 810, and it is a 929 page book. I WILL finish it tonight!!
Yeah, I've been working on the pool house as well! I actually today finished the LAST of the electric work, tomorrow I hope to do the same with the plumbing! No exciting pictures to post though... :( Drywall is next!! I can't wait for that! I will just be GLAD when this is done, I'm OVER it!! Got to finish what I started though... :)
Thursday, May 01, 2008