Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So I had to go to the school today, because I suppose I'm now 'involved' in the PTA... I'm not REAL sure exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, I think they just want Dad's to become more involved in the events at the school and they chose me to chair the "Dad's" committee... I think I'M the one who is supposed to come up with ideas to get more Dad's involved, hmmm... I've always just done it because my kids all go there, wasn't sure if there needed to be more of a motivator than that, who knows, I suppose I'll call a few dad's and see what they say and go from there... :)


Matthew said...

I suppose we'll see tomorrow night at the first PTA meeting... :)

Matthew said...

This is almost like having a conversation with myself online, but as Timberly stated, it's also a GREAT diary, so I suppose I'll continue on... :)

Tim said...

I'm glad you are involved at the school, it has made a big difference to the boys that LeRoy is assistant scout master and is there at all the scout meetings and activities.

Petra said...

How did it all go? Get any other dads involved yet? :)