Monday, August 06, 2007

Home Sweet Home!!!

FINALLY!! We made it home! One thing about travelling, I HATE airports, the whole 'hurry up and wait' thing... Then there was the little thing with Chance, he had two bottles of bubbles and a very small pocket knife on his carry on, so that held us up for a minute, while they scanned his bag several times, tested it for explosives, patted him down, etc... Of course Chance just wanted to know what they were going to do with the bubbles and knife, to which I replied that they were going to throw them away, now come on... :)

Whatever though, I'm at home, sitting at my desk!! Not sure how the kids are going to be tomorrow going to school, but they are in bed and we'll see tomorrow!! :)


Matthew said...

Of course what I missed the MOST is that here it is 11:31PM and it is 80 degrees outside!! Rather than having to get bundled up at this time to step outside! :)

Petra said...

Glad you guys made it home okay! I know you must be relieved to just sit in your own home after your long trip. Hopefully no animals or people drowned in your pool while you were gone. :)

Yeah, it's chilly at night here as well.

Matthew said...

Nope, no one drowned, that I know of anyway!

I'm so thrilled to be home, I can't go to bed, yet I have to be up in a few hours to get the kids to school for their first day! :)

And yeah, it's now 12:34AM and it's still 77 degrees!! :)

Matthew said...

The pool was actually clean as well, so I guess my neighbor did take care of it!!

Joshua Goodling said...

I'm with you on the airports! I'd much rather fly than drive - but I hate all the mess of going through security, waiting for the flight to board, etc.

Wow - getting up at 6:00 this morning was a pain! Of course, my body is still on california time, so it was like getting up at 3:00....this will take a few days to get back into the regular schedule.

Tim said...

Yay, glad you made it back okay, we are still exhausted from missing sleep saturday night and the whole 3 hour difference, it was great to see you all -- umm the reason LeRoy and I have not danced before is because we never go anywhere there is dancing :), it hinders the whole dancing thing.

Jackie said...

glad you made it home safe!!

Hope the kids have agreat first day of school!!!


Petra said...

Timberly - Seriously? You and LeRoy have never danced together? Huh. I guess it makes sense if you've never been anywhere that calls for it.

Are Andy and I the only ones that dance even if we're alone??? :) I mean, not all the time, but here and there. :)

Glad no one drowned, Matt! :)

Now everyone else needs to update their blogs again since you're all home. :)

Okay that was a lot of smiley faces. I'm addicted to them. :) :) :) :)

Matthew said...

I imagine you guys were exhausted, which is PRECISELY the reason I went back to San Fran and stayed in a hotel prior to flying back... :)

We don't dance often, but we did have a good time! I think Chance enjoyed it more than most there, and he was just dancing by himself half the time! :)

The kids had a GREAT day at school! I'm SO GLAD they all like their teachers! I hope you and Titus are enjoying the first leg of the RV road trip Jackie!!

Um, I don't think there are many active bloggers left there Petra! :)

I tend to overdo the :)'s myself, but whatever!

Tim said...

We live busy lives, Petra :). We do not have a lot of free time to randomly dance I suppose, I also might possibly look at LeRoy like he is crazy after a busy day of work and then getting kids ready for bed and what not and he wants me to dance!!!!

Matthew said...

LOL Timberly!

Matthew said...

Yes, it's currently 97 degrees, and I STILL prefer it to the weather in Monterey and San Francisco... :)

Petra said...

I'm loving the weather up here - I like the cool nights though. There are some that can't stand all the rain but Andy and I both like rain. Ask us after the winter though - lol.

Timberly - you should take time for romance. :) (of course, your idea of romance might not include dancing) ;)

Petra said...

Yeah Matt - I don't understand how everyone else isn't obsessed with it like we are... :)

Matthew said...

LOL! Me either, it's not like it takes that long, and I have just as much if not MORE going on than most! So I suppose the ones that don't just don't want to...