Timberly called this morning, so we went down to the Dennis the Menace park and the kids played with Nicky and Binky for about an hour or so. Joshua met us there as well, so Timberly, LeRoy, Joshua and I sat and talked while the kids played...
They all seemed to have a good time...
After we left the park, we decided to go hang out at the beach for a while. Which the kids thoroughly enjoyed I might add. Of course we did as well, it was relaxing just laying out on the sand for a few hours watching the kids play...
There was a McDonalds across the street, so LeRoy and I walked over and got the kids something to eat. I guess some of the birds ate Tanner's cheeseburger before he could, so the guys spent the next hour "hunting down the birds that ate Tanner's lunch"... It was rather comical at times... :)
Timberly was helping Taylor build a sand castle, not sure why I didn't get Timberly or the sand castle in the shot...
Now we are about to get ready to fix dinner for about 23 people who are coming over to the house this evening (of course that includes the 7 that are already here)... Should be a great time though, so I might have pics of that later, or not, we'll see... :)
Looks like you guys are having a fantastic time! Tell everyone we said hello!!! :)
We will! Everyone is having a great time, but I think we are ALL ready to go home! :)
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