Out with the old, in with the new... For most people, all over the world, party preparations will be ongoing and many will be penning New Year's resolutions... Something, I might add, that I never did quite understand myself...
"He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; He who makes one is a fool." ~ F.M. Knowles
The success rate of "resolutions" is so poor, it's almost stunning. Be it to lose weight, stop smoking, save more money, get out of debt, drink less, etc, many people are failures when it comes to their resolutions before the hangover has completely subsided... It's not that I don't think about resolutions, I just don't make any. I suppose there are things I could change, but why wait until the 'New Year' to make said changes if they are indeed something that should be done or changed?? Yeah, I don't get it... So many people make them though that I have decided to make two of them myself:
1.) To just be myself
2.) To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time (I'd claim this as my own, but kind of hard to do with the Internet and all... by James Agate :)
So when the clock strikes twelve and your 'slate is clean', here's wishing you the best in 2009!!