I was looking for our wedding pictures and couldn't find them... I asked Carolyn where they were, she was like they are under the bed... They weren't... So I practically tore the house apart trying to find them... I finally found them, and Chance ended up with a new stereo system we found along the way, so he was stoked about that... (It was in one of the closets I searched through... :)

The 'official' photo I suppose, we did not have a professional photographer... :)

That was a walk down memory lane... :)
wow is right. good to see the photos!
Cool to see the photos! WOW - that seems like a lifetime ago! Congrats on your anniversay!!
lol. I want to scream at my younger self "pluck your eyebrows!!!!!"
I love seeing the older photos though.
LOL Petra, yeah, there are a FEW things I'd like to ask my "younger self", like what's with the mustache Matt???
Btw... Do you still wear hose?? :)
"Groovy" is all I gotta say! :D
lol! No!!! I haven't worn hose in YEARS and looking back, I'm like "WHY?!?!" It was so hot!!! haha!! Oh man, at least they weren't "suntan" colored hose. lol. :)
LOL Petra... Yeah, funny how women used to wear those all the time...
Carolyn just asked if that was the last time we were all photographed together, and I think it might be... Is it?
wow - 12 years, congrats :) :)
petra: bigger eyebrows are in now??
of course i say that, because there is NO way i'm going to pluck mine?? lol
lol Marci. No - they aren't in with me. I look at photos of myself with the bushy '80s/'90s brows and I will NEVER do that again. lol!
There is a photo of us all together Christmas 1998 - I was pregnant with Jarvis. I think that was the last one though. I have it somewhere. I can scan it for you if you don't have one. I was thinking of doing that anyway - posting photos of all us siblings through the years... I posted some early ones a few weeks ago, obviously. There aren't that many of us as adults though.
p.s. That was the Christmas we had at mom/dad's church - the one where Marci received the cactus guy as her gift. lol!
Great pics! You know, you all don't really look all that much alike. Well, I guess some of you do, but, for instance, Matt and Titus don't resemble each other at all. . . people say that Derek and I look like each other, but I don't we do at all. Anyway, just blabbing . . .
that was supposed to be "I don't THINK we do . . ."
I'm with you Daniel, I don't think you and Derek resemble each other that much... Maybe people just say that... Who knows why... :)
And yeah, I don't think Titus and I look that much alike, but some people say we do, maybe they just don't know what else to say, who knows... :)
Blab anytime you want here Daniel... :)
will do :)
That's funny - when I went back to Knoxville, people that knew Timberly would say "oh you look JUST like Timberly" when we don't really look alike at all. All three of us girls look different - I think Marci and I have the same smile, but that's about it. So funny. Maybe you guys are right - they're just looking for something to say. lol.
And yeah - I don't really see the resemblance between Daniel and Derek. I mean, similar hair color? But that's about it.
And while I'm avoiding doing things that I really should be getting done... :)
I think Timberly and Joel have a similar look. I don't really think Titus and I look alike, but we have similar features - same shaped face, etc. Don't Titus and Matt have the same nose? Me and Josh have mom's nose.
And... since Matt got rid of 'recent comments' again - I'm probably just yakking to myself. lol!
LOL! I didn't get rid of them, but it's weird, sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't, if I hit refresh several times they will show back up, so bizarre...
Yeah, there are some 'features' we all have that "kind of" resemble each other, but when people say; "You look just alike!!", I feel like saying; "Well, your finger looks kind of like mine, does that mean we look 'just alike' as well???" :)
I have those pictures somewhere Petra, from the Christmas get together, and I suppose that probably was the last time...
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