Friday, August 08, 2008


What else can you say? Not sure if anyone else is watching the Olympic opening ceremony... It really though just confirms the fact that we as a nation are about done! At least as a superpower... Could you find that many Americans that are that disciplined?? I doubt it... Most Americans are sitting on their fat asses letting the cable or satelite wash over them and demanding that the government send them money that they have not earned... It sickens me! Not only that, but there are SO many people who live in this country that do absolutely NOTHING useful, yet they demand and get money for nothing... It will be the downfall of this country... The current people running for the White House just want to give more and more... It's called pandering for votes! Spending taxpayer money, or in Obama's case, he wants to take money from the oil companies and give it to the lazy, good for nothing, idiots that make up the populace of this country right now! Wow! Yeah... Our days as a superpower are nearly over... Sad really, but when the idiots in Washington keep giving money that they do not have away to people who are too stupid or lazy to earn it themselves, what do you expect?? Just like Ben Franklin said, when the people realize they can vote their way to free money, the country is doomed, and we are...


Matthew said...

So no one agreed with that assessment then, whatever, it's true...

I've been working on that damn deck since 9AM... I did get a bunch of the rails done, but wow... Back at it in the AM, I'm determined to get this thing done soon!! :)

Petra said...

Weird. I thought I commented. Blogger does that to me sometimes though - and Typepad. :-P

We don't get any TV channels, so I haven't watched anything about the Olympics.

But yeah - that whole "everyone should have an equal amount of money" thing... UGH!!!

Matthew said...

LOL, yeah, it does that to me at times as well... :)

Yeah, the whole 'wealth redistribution' thing has been tried many times throughout history, and it has NEVER worked... History, you would think people would pay more attention to it...

Jackie said...

Yeah, we watched it too. We love it! It is amazing the people who are participating! They amaze me!