Friday, August 15, 2008

Cory's Wyoming Trip...

Cory got back from his trip to Wyoming not too long ago, here are a few pics... Stunning scenery in many of the pictures he took... One of the few states I've never been to, looks like it's worth a visit though...


Petra said...

Wow - looks like a beautiful place! My next door neighbor is from Wyoming. Grew up on a ranch.

Jackie said...

Beutiful pics! We drove through Wyoming on our Honeymoon--- yeah, these aren't the sites we saw because we were pretty confident that we would NEVER need to come to Wyoming again! LOL!!! But this does show a WHOLE other side! Very pretty!!

Glad Cory had a good time!

Jackie said...

Really... I can spell beautiful!!! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!! :D

Tim said...
