For homeschooling that is... Still have a few minor touchups to do, but nothing major, we actually got most of it done for once, I usually "leave" a few things on most projects that never get done... :) I wanted it to be a 'classroom' type environment though, so hopefully Carolyn and I have created that... Still narrowing down the curriculum though, but will be ordering that in a few days, Carolyn went and got some 'temporary' curriculum today for sixth graders though, because even though we aren't officially starting until the day after Labor Day, she has been breaking him into the "routine" we are going to have, also has been teaching him how to type... It was going to be Matthew's Academy, but I'm changing it to CJ-Matthew's Academy as Carolyn will be doing as much, if not more, teaching than me... :) I did order some software today that will keep track of attendance, let you do lesson plans, chore charts, report cards, transcripts, etc...
Link here if anyone is interested:
Edu-Track Home School Some shots of the "classroom"...
I was looking around for whiteboards, and they cost hundreds of dollars!! Particularly for one that size, so I went to Home Depot and bought that board for $12... Works GREAT I might add!! The kids have been drawing on it and it erases just fine... I just put that trim around it and will put a shelf under it to hold the dry-erase markers, erasers, etc...
I still need to hook up the DVD player and the VCR because we will have some educational videos/DVD's etc...
Of course each of the kids have their own desks in there that I made for them several years ago, I just have to get their computers setup on them and get my switch/network equipment setup, but I'll do that this week...
So anyway, we are ready to try this homeschooling thing, I think it will be fun the more I get into it... We'll see!! :)