It's getting there though, I have all the posts cut, the rails almost stained, so it's just a matter of waiting for a clear day because the parts that aren't stained white will be a chocolate color to match the brick... So who knows, maybe I'll get that done in the next day or so...
Timberly and the kids came down yesterday, so we are visiting with them. Binky LOVES the pool, of course it rained AGAIN today, but he got to spend a bit of time in the pool. Timberly took all the kids to a movie today while I was at work, and Carolyn has been studying for a psychology test she has to take...
Want to see one of the best scenes in a movie ever? Yeah, I thought so... Here it is:
Hackman and Hoffman in Runaway Jury...
Hackman and Hoffman in Runaway Jury...
That is one of the BEST scenes in any movie I have ever seen, and of course my favorite lines are delivered by Gene Hackman:
"But the thing of it is, I don't give a shit" "What's more, I never have"
How about this story:
How about this story:
Feds to Katrinians: Go Spork Yourselves...
Too Fing funny... My favorite line of the article is: "Hey there, friend. We're sorry your house blew away and/or flooded, not necessarily in that order; here, have some sporks. No, really, take as many as you want."
So yeah, I've been doing stuff, but not blogging... :) Hope everyone else is doing well, we are having a cookout here Friday, so hopefully it doesn't RAIN that day!!!
lol @ the sporks! And Hoffman and Hackman are such good actors. I haven't seen that movie in a long time - I barely even remember it. I watched the scene though.
The deck is looking good - and the chocolate color sounds nice. Can't wait to see it finished.
I'm sure you're having fun with your company. Wish we could be there. :)
Sounds like you all are having a great time.
I have never even heard of the movie! Where have I been???
don't answer that! :D
Thanks much for the spork shout-out (Spork-out?). The real tragedy is not that someone thought $36 million of sporks was ok, but that the actual $36,000 worth was mostly sold off as govt. surplus.
Of COURSE these people are still acting like victims - no one ever HELPED them!
Are you an idiot?? Well, obviously you are... We NOT only helped them, we gave them billions and billions of dollars...
Well, we certainly gave billions and billions.
The question of who received those billions is for wiser congressional committees than myself.
Peace and carrots,
Alex Brant-Zawadzki
author, "Feds to Katrinians: Go Spork Yourselves!"
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