Thursday, July 17, 2008

Time for Some Campaignin'

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Joshua Goodling said...

Lol - pretty funny

Petra said...

lol! That was hilarious!

Titus said...

i've seen it already, it is pretty funny. i would like to see statistics regarding prez candidates who get elected campaign promises vs. those that actually come to fruition. i suppose i could look it up, but am too damn busy. :)

thought you would like the 'busy'

Matthew said...

LOL!! Yeah, I've been 'busy' myself... :)

Yeah, politicians have been promising a "chicken in every pot" since there were politicians I imagine, it would be interesting to see who came through though...

Obama just might though, particularly if there is an overwhelming majority of Dems in the House and Senate. Of course we can't afford the things he is promising, but we can't afford a LOT of things the current people are doing either. Every time I hear people bitch about how much Obamas programs will cost, I'm always like, "Are you freaking kidding me?? Bush and his Republican Congress and Senate have doubled the size of the Federal government, put us trillions of dollars in debt, and now they want to scream about how much Obama as Prez will cost??? Just like Bush yesterday or the day before demanding we drill in Anwar and the continental shelf, Um, why didn't they do that when they actually had control?? Exactly!!"

I keep looking at both of them, I don't like either, but I say give the guy a shot, I can't stand McCain... With McCain it's going to be more of the same, so what is there to lose, it's not like Obama can destroy the country or anything, there are checks and balances... So yeah, the election is still 100+/- days off, so a lot can happen, but I DOUBT I'll be voting for McCain...

Matthew said...

Not to mention the fact that I'm tired of the leader of the free world mangling the English language every time he opens his trap... It will be nice to have a President for a change who can actually communicate and pronounce words correctly...

Jackie said...

That is funny!!! :D