"Statewide the reports have been coming in that 40% of 8th grade students "did not meet criteria" on the CRCT. Fulton County reported an 80% failure rate. State superindendent Kathy Cox expressed concern, but said this "dip in scores" was expected because of the new curriculum and a new test."
Yeah, that's for Georgia... Reminds me of a cartoon I saw back when American Idol came out, I tried to find it (for about 5 seconds)... It was a cartoon that showed about three dumb looking kids on a stage, the backdrop said American Idiot, and the judges were saying, "Well MS, it was close, GA almost beat you, but you are the American Idiot!"
So anyway, yeah, homeschooling it is, for at least a year anyway, and if we don't like it, then I suppose I'll bite the bullet and figure out how I'm going to pay a freaking grand a month per child to send them to private school... Wow. Or, I suppose I could just REALLY start my own school at those prices and quit my job and do that full time, yeah, not really interested in teaching anyone else's rug rats though... :)
So today I went to the 2008 Southeast Homeschool Expo at the Cobb Galleria to gather info... WOW!! I did learn a lot, but I'm not surprised at the reaction most people have to homeschoolers now... What a bunch of Fing nutjobs!! So yeah, I WON'T be joining ANY of those groups, are you freaking nuts??? NOR will I be going to Home Schoolers Day at Stone Mountain, the Biltmore, or any other place these Fing idiots hang out... Wow! But I will be homeschooling... :)
2008 Southeast Homeschool Expo
I also got a new camera today that I will be installing outside, I'll get three more once I figure out how the damn thing works... The kids think it is SUPER cool!!

It's built for outside, yet I'll be able to view the cameras sitting at my desk... I'll have four of them around the house and pool house. They can record, do audio, etc... You can view all four 'shots' in a single application, so it's pretty cool actually... The kids were enthralled with it all I might add... They kept asking me, "So you'll be able to see us outside anywhere?" "What about here...?" Etc... The answer to all the questions was yes... :) I ALMOST have it all figured out, it took me two hours just to get the damn thing working though, but now that I HAVE figured it out, should be fun... There will be NO MORE "Where are the kids?" either, I'll just look and see them all... :) Because I'll have them trained on my entire property... So I can sit here at my desk and see everything that is going on around it...
Tomorrow? Back to the deck!! But it is fun to take time out for an evening and fool with a new toy!!! :) Particularly for someone like me who does tech for a living... I don't do it as much as I should... Although, people I know think because I'm an "IT guy" that I can fix anything... It's NOT the case!! (I can't fix your iPhone, your iPod, your entertainment system or your XBox or Wii!) I'm a backend, enterprise, infrastructure person who deals with Microsoft Server operating systems and Citrix, yet people still think I am able to magically solve ALL IT problems... :) I can for the most part, but yeah, whatever...
I think that's enough for now, because I have to get back to my new toys... :)
Tomorrow will come early and it is already nearly midnight... :)
Yeah, it's NOT professional photography, it is simply to allow me to see what's going on outside when I am working... :)
Plus, I can set them all to record 24/7 if I want to for security purposes... NOT that I HAVE any security issues, but whatever... :)
And yeah, I DO realize that my hair is receding at an alarming pace... Again though, whatever... :)
I would also add that we are only homeschooling Chance, Tanner and Taylor will continue at Russom until after 5th grade... :)
Then they will either be homeschooled or sent to private school, depending on how the whole homeschool experiment works out... :)
We are still planning on homeschooling Nick for middle school too. We'll have to talk when I come down. I know Latin is going to be on the list, probably rosetta stone. It is a good language to learn if you are interested in science. Binks will stay at Kelly until 5th grade too. It is a pretty good school and we supplement at home.
I know what you mean about the homeschool groups some of them are interesting. We'll probably do somethings with the local ones because they are good contacts to have and it sometimes is cheaper to go with a group but I am not a die hard homeschooler like some of them, LOL.
I like the camera idea. I want to see it when we get there. We still have Taylor's gift from Walt Disney World and Chance and Tanner's from the space center, forgot to mail them - go figure.
LOL... Yeah, I'm the WORST about mailing stuff, most of it never does get mailed out... :)
When I was homeschooling, I just had some friends who were also homeschoolers and we'd hang out, do 'field trips' etc. I was never a member of any group b/c that seemed to defeat the purpose of homeschooling to me (the 'co-ops', etc. seemed like more work than convenience). I think I'd have enjoyed homeschooling just one - but four kids in four grades was a bit much.
Oh yeah - Timberly - we are using Rosetta Stone to learn French (it got put on hold b/c I keep forgetting to do it), but it's really good.
That is what I have heard, also homeschoolers get a discount.
I'd rather forego the discount than interact with just about everyone I met at that Expo...
I mean EVERYONE, not sure why I said "just about"...
So what you're saying is, you didn't like the people at the Expo? lol.
LOL! Yeah, pretty much... A bunch of die hard homeschoolers, and they all looked exactly the same, matter of fact, they ALL had the SAME carts they were pulling around... Almost like some sort of cult... I don't drink anyone's kool-aid, but these people, they were drinking HEAVILY of somebody's kool-aid, just not sure whose just yet... :)
That is really cool about the camera! Great idea!!
Homeschooling... interesting. Good for you for doing it. I would not enjoy it, but if you have to you have to. What does Chance think? LOL! at the Homeschooling expo... I bet that was funny!
I had no ideas the schools in GA were that bad. That was one of the BIG things for us when we were looking for our house... how do the schools rank that are in our area.
Matt, you don't have to be part of a group to get the discount, you just have to be homeschooling :).
Chance loves the idea actually...
Rocklin Unified District...
Hmm... there's no rankings for Britt's school on that site. Just the ethnicity chart.
Nevermind - had to click on the year. lol! Apparently they can read and write and do math at her school... but Science? Not so good. lol!
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