Carolyn's friend Betty came down yesterday to stay with us for a few days, it's her 80th birthday in a few weeks, so we decided to have a party for her this morning before they headed out shopping... :)
Nothing like cake and Coke for breakfast... :) Of course I rarely touch the cake myself... Happy birthday Betty!! My kids just love her to death, of course we all do! :)
Yes! I'm still working on the deck, actually taking a break from it now for a minute because it's so freaking hot outside!! Yesterday I got the posts for the landing on one side in and finished the rest of the posts this morning, I'm putting on the fascia boards now and will then finish the landings and the steps... I wonder how long that will take?? :)
Love cake and coke in the morning!! Fun!
LOL!! Titus spent the afternoon yesterday putting in posts too! He cursed the whole time trying to get it all even, centered and perfect. But with the ground not being centered, it was tough!
LOL! Precisely why I use those 'temporary' board frames... That way I know exactly where the posts go and only have to worry about them being level... :)
Hope the day went well :). We are starting more work on the house on Monday. We have moved the washing machine, dryer, etc out to the new addition in preparation for ripping out the one wall. I'll try to post pictures later.
Deck is looking good. Happy birthday to Betty - even though I've never met her. :)
Can't wait to see more pics Timberly!!
The day went well btw...
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