Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So I'm sorting my pictures out (again!) and came across this one!

That was 1999, I'd been working there about 8 months I suppose. It's AMAZING how far technology has come in that amount of time! I was actually pretty happy about that time, I had just recently gotten that black laptop in the docking station to my right, it cost about 8 grand, had 32MB of RAM, I forget the processor speed, but wow! My cell phone has more computing power than that thing did... Of course in my office now, I have two flat panel monitors, and one laptop that has nearly 100 or more times the computing power than all the equipment you see in the picture... I can't believe I've actually been there almost 9 years now! I suppose a few years from now, the computing power in the laptop I use will make me wonder how I ever settled for the one I have now... Technology is amazing!!


Joshua Goodling said...

Yes technology is amazing! When I first started working at WebMD I had 2 of those huge monitors on my desk and a large cpu unit. Now I just have 2 flat screen LCD's and a laptop. :-)

Petra said...

lol - yeah, we've come a long way in a short time. I wonder where we'll be technology-wise in another 9 years. I'm sure we can't even imagine!

Matthew said...

I'm sure in the next nine years it will astound us! Even though we half ass know what is possible...

I tried to post a YouTube video of the kids and Bo, but it won't post... I tried three times, so I'm sure I'll wake up in the morning and have the thing on here three times... :)