So yeah, that's been my life for the past few days. Thanksgiving dinner? Yeah! That's going to happen!! The funny thing is, Carolyn and I went out last week and bought all the food to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but now that I've ripped the kitchen apart, we have decided to go out to eat on Thanksgiving day. LeRoy and Timberly are coming over Saturday, so we MIGHT cook then, we'll see! :) We did find a range and an over-the-range microwave/convection oven on craigslist today though, the people bought it 11 months ago at the Home Depot for 2 grand but got transferred, so we went and picked it up today. I had to remove it myself, but it was such a deal, I didn't mind (luckily they lived about two miles away from us). We also went and got a dishwasher to replace the one I threw in the trash a day or so ago, so I guess I'll be installing that tomorrow or the next day... Why I start crap like this right before the holidays I have ZERO idea! I still have to drag all the Christmas stuff out of the attic too, the kids WON'T let me not do that, nor do I not want to, but man... So anyway, that's what I'm doing... :)
Yeah, my hair is thinning BIG time, I'm AWARE of that thank you!! :)
Whatever, I wonder what I'll look like bald?
Yeah, I removed the sink because I decided to install a garbage disposal Titus dropped off a few years ago... I HOPE to have it back in tomorrow, we'll see... :)
Is the mistake that some of the tiles are cut taller then others? It's like a fun I Spy game.
It looks nice! What a deal you found on craigs list. That is going to be really nice. Can't wait to see the pics of it all put together!
LOL!! You and your brother both on your hair thinning! Titus just got hair cut the other day and he went on about it too. :D Hair or no hair, you both will LOOK GREAT!!! :D
Actually those tiles are lower to allow for the corner trim blocks, I forgot to cut that tile on the left though... :(
Is the mistake that the tile on the left of the window is pointy and the one on the right of the window is straight?! I agree with Andrea - a fun I Spy game. lol
Okay, you are so busy! By the time you finish everything on your list, it will be time to remodel the first things you remodeled - wait, haven't you already remodeled several rooms numerous times??? :)
Can't wait to see it all when it is finished! Keep the photos coming!! :)
You win the prize Petra! :)
While it is true that many of the rooms we've done multiple times, we are going to try to refrain from doing that anymore!! :)
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