Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Weather And Holidays...

Well, it's that time of year. It's bitterly cold out in the morning and somewhat bearable in the afternoon only to get bitterly cold again! Of course my definition of 'bitterly cold' may differ somewhat from anyone reading this... I have four definitions for weather: preferable (anything above 70), bearable (60 - 70), barely tolerable (50 - 60) and what am I doing here (anything below 50)?. I know everyone wanted to know that, so glad I could explain that for you... It's currently 'barely tolerable' outside, so I've got the heat cranked up and have pretty much been inside for the past few days.

I have gotten some things done, I've started finishing Cory's room and am thinking about putting slate down in the office and Cory's room, which are the last two rooms in the house that need flooring redone... We'll see how that goes! Being forced inside due to the inclement weather (yeah, I consider cold weather to be inclement weather) I see all these things I need to 'finish', so I've been trying to do that! For some reason though, I've not taken any photos... I'm actually freezing right now, perhaps I should go start a fire??

How about the holidays? Or Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years as I call them, I get tired of the whole "Winter Holiday" thing... Thanksgiving is literally a few weeks away?!? Of course the kids are counting down the days until we drag down all the Christmas decorations, which we always do on Thanksgiving weekend! I know that the decorations have been out for weeks now, the Christmas decorations start coming out now BEFORE the halloween decorations do?! Of course why anyone would buy a lot of that stuff at the prices they go for now when you can get it all for ten cents on the dollar in January, is beyond me... I wonder if I'll decorate the outside this year? I say I'm going to every year, but I NEVER do, even though we have all the stuff to do it with, and I'm ALWAYS glad in January that I didn't, because they don't have to be taken down!!

As you can see, I have a LOT to say right now!


Petra said...

I'm so with you on the weather. My definition of weather is pretty similar to yours! And I live in the NORTH now?!?! Am I crazy?!?!

I cannot function when I'm cold - photos? Yeah, I don't take near as many in the winter (except on the holidays, but the heat is usually cranked up).

Matthew said...

Yeah, the ideal location for me would be somewhere that the temp is always above 70 degrees!! I got up this AM and it was 25 degrees and there was ice on the vehicles?!? I was wearing shorts a few weeks ago and the kids were swimming???

Joshua Goodling said...

I'm with you there! I HATE cold weather. And anything under 60 is "cold" :).

Tim said...

I also hate cold weather, our house is very cold right now with the furnace NOT hooked up. You should see me walking around on our cold floors with the extreme cold coming up through the cracks, thankfully LeRoy got the chimney stuff and is going to try to hook it up the furnace this weekend.

I know what you mean about the Christmas decorations, I am thinking a wreath on the door might be rather festive, Binks and I got some ribbon for it :).