So up to the attic we went and dragged down all the Christmas decorations... I was actually kind of glad that it was time to do it as it gave me a break from the remodeling, of course it meant another day with no progress on the kitchen, but whatever... :)

Now the kids just want to know what is going to be under the tree! Of course they've had their 'lists' on my desk for a few weeks now, they change them periodically, but we've not really told them what they are getting... Sometimes they know, this year they don't. Carolyn got up today and fought the crowds and got some of the shopping done, I can't do it myself... I don't like going shopping when it's NOT busy, I refuse to go the day after Thanksgiving... I suppose tomorrow I'll have to get back to my remodeling chores... Oh wait, Timberly and LeRoy are coming tomorrow, I might take a break tomorrow as well!! :)
I wonder how many "unfinished" things you can find in the pictures?? LOL!
You know, I'm only one man, and when you do as much as I do in my 'spare' time, it happens... :)
looks great! loved the pics.
Thanks! I was just thinking about ornaments, we have ornaments from when Carolyn was a baby, we have them for Chance when he was a baby, we have one for Tanner but then we kind of stopped... So we need to catch up!! I wonder if it would be wrong to get ornaments for Taylor and backdate them?? I suppose I'll do it whether it is or isn't... We always moved around so much, I don't have any ornaments from when I was a child, I suppose I made some, but who knows... We have ornaments that all of the kids have made over the years, and they all adorn the tree along with the standard, store ones... It's always a 'walk down memory lane' to hang the ornaments that mean something! Carolyn still has the ornament from when she was a baby, and we hang them all... What a fun and great time of year!! We love it!!
Looks wonderful! We haven't had a chance to put ours up yet, but we can't wait.
We have all our ornaments labeled with where they came from, what year, etc. Not really time consuming when you just do the ones from each year every time. So yeah - we always reminisce too. We have them from Andy's grandparents tree, his parents tree, and then from different years of our own marriage. I don't have baby ones for each of the kids either. The only ornament Jacob has is one from when Andy went to Poland (he got all the kids an ornament there, even Jacob since I was pregnant with him). I have a few from Mom/dad's tree as I was there one year when they were doing their tree and got one that I made when I was 11, but that's the only one from my childhood. Oh - I did get a few from Grandma Woods' tree b/c I was there when they were moving her out of that house in Louisville and getting rid of things. So we have some ornaments from both sides.
Okay I had a lot to say about ornaments apparently?! lol
Looks great :) canyon comes home from being gone a week today so we'll put ours up - and meredith will be moving in for a bit with me, it should be fun next week :)
funny about the kids, mine like to put up the ornaments as well, but as far as the rest? well - not so much :) too much for them?
Tree and decorations look nice! I'm looking forward to being over there with you all on Christmas day!
We have ornaments from most of the years also. I used to buy one each year for the kids based on their activites or things they liked that year. This year I bought the boys ornaments in San Diego,
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