This one prints comments, and is semi-customizable, the only thing I didn't care for was it didn't allow page breaks to be inserted, not a show stopper though...

Fairly reasonable too, from January 2010 until today, I had 63 blog posts, who knows how many pictures and it was 121 pages. Hard cover was $60.45 and soft cover was $50.65... You could also download the PDF for like $7.95 or have it printed in black and white for $20 I think... It would not allow me to do 2007 in one book though as there were 378 posts, actually, it wouldn't allow me to do it online, said to call, so I guess it still might be possible... So I shall start blogging more now... :) Then just print copies of each year for the kiddoes...
So the book for the year 2008, 207 posts, was 337 pages:
Hard cover/full color: $136.25
Soft cover/full color: $126.25
Soft cover/black and white: $42.75
Digital download: $7.95
So based on other sites I've seen, not bad considering the length of the book...
That is great. I looked at them too... just waiting for finances to get it done ourselves! YAYYY!!
Yeah, to print four copies of my entire blog would be a bit pricey, so I doubt I'm going to order it right away... :)
That is cool! Thanks for sharing the link.
I'm glad you shared that link! I wish I still had my blog pre-2008 online, but I can at least print the last couple of years. I may just do the digital download and print and bind it myself. Ya know... one day. :)
Yeah, I deleted about 16 months of my blog in 2006, wish I had saved it, but didn't... :)
I was actually ablt to save a "backup" of my blog from that site by just looking at the preview and then going to the temporary internet files and moving the pdf...
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