So yeah, if I'm going to gut the upstairs kitchen, master bath, etc, Carolyn has to have somewhere to cook for the month or so that it will take me (being optimistic there :)... So I decided to "quickly" redo the kitchen downstairs as it needed it...
Of course I did not take a before picture, but I found this one from a few years ago... :)

Let it begin...

So I basically just ripped the entire thing out, I did leave the sink there until I've got the sheet rock hung, once I get around the window there, I will toss that sink and cabinet at the dump...

So that is basically all that is left in the downstairs kitchen...

So there you have it... Let the games begin... I am really optimistic about this, but we'll see how it goes. I am going to take that floor up too and put down slate, I already have the slate for it, so who knows, may do that next week. Going to hang the sheetrock first. Yeah, I ripped it all down because it had wallpaper over wallpaper on it, and it will be easier to just hang new sheetrock than to mess with trying to get off those layers of wallpaper and try to get it smooth enough to paint... Who knows, my next post may have pics of the sheetrock up... :)
Not bad for a days work if I do say so myself, it goes a LOT quicker it seems when I'm not stopping every few minutes for a beverage... :)
I also just finished day 12 of the P90X workout, so now it is time for a shower... Then something to eat, as I am once again starving to death!
Wow! I am impressed. You got a lot done in a day! I can't wait to see the finished product.
Want to come work on my house next? ;)
Demolition is quick and easy... :)
We'll see how quickly "putting it back together" goes...
You should have Justice finish that basement, Cory did all the sheet rock in my basement when he was 14... Of course I had to 'fix' a few areas, but it is far quicker to fix a few problem areas than do it all... :) can come do the ceiling in my kitchen/dining room when you're done! :-)
They need to be sheetrocked Joshua? I'd be happy to come assist you... :)
Looks good! Congrats on day 12!
Thanks! Day 15 today... :)
I've only gained two pounds though??? I guess I need to start eating yet more, sigh...
Got to do something with it. There's a part where the roof leaked over 8 years ago (before I bought the place), and they "fixed" it, but didn't do a good job, and now that part of the ceiling is sagging in a little.
I will come check it out Joshua...
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