Yeah, I thought I'd get that drywall done today, but the problem with this house is:

Every time I remove sheetrock, without fail, I find crap like this... Who does that?? If you aren't going to use a long enough piece of wire or a junction box, at least wrap it with electrical tape?? Wow!

So I said screw it, went to Home Depot and got new boxes, outlets, switches, etc and just replaced everything. From now on, whenever I gut a room, I am just going to do that so that I know it is wired correctly, etc before I cover it back up...

So needless to say, that is all the drywall I got hung today, oh well, I'm off tomorrow, so hopefully I can get the rest hung and get the first coat of mud on it... :)
Now it is off for the P90X workout... I'm tired of working out too, I actually hate working out, but continue on I will, at least for this 90 day program, after the 90 days? Who knows, time will tell...
Oh yeah, here are three of the puppies, they are getting bigger and are way too cute...
Yeah, in case you didn't notice from the third pic, I'm kind of making a mess in that other room, but I have been good about cleaning up my mess every night, which is a change for me... :)
And I sooo thank you for that dear
Don't you love how every project has 100 other projects buried underneath it? :)
We've got some electrical issues too (in our basement), but aren't electricity savvy like you. We'll probably hire someone to come out and fix it.
I can't wait to see more photos of the progress! and the puppies are cute! :)
Haha! Yeah, no doubt, each project does seem to spawn a multitude of other projects without fail!! "Oh, that won't take long." "Huh?? WTF??" And so it goes... :)
What sort of electrical issues are you having Petra? If you send me a picture, I can tell Justice how to fix it... :)
We had to do the same thing with the electric in our house. LeRoy found where they had cut through a wire to place a doorway and left the wires open! Mind boggling.
It is mind boggling! I'm surprised more homes don't burn to the ground with the shoddy electrical work...
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