P90X Program...
Even though I feel like I eat 24/7, I am literally starving ALL the time! I eat about 6 - 8 times a day too, I guess I need to start eating more each time... Sigh. Have I mentioned how much I hate eating?? Oh well... 80 days to go...
Of course the kids have been out of school all week as well, so they are having a blast! They are out again today, and I'm sure will be out again tomorrow as well, I suppose we shall find out this afternoon. Having lived up north, it is amazing to watch these fools here in the Atlanta area when there is a little snow and ice... Not sure what they would do if they lived in an area where there is snow and ice on the ground for 3 - 5 months of the year??

Not sure why there isn't a picture of Chance, oh yeah, he is inside playing Black Ops on his PS3 trying to get to some 'extreme' level or something... :) He does play in it, the snow that is, it's just that no one was out with the camera when he was out in it... Myself? Yeah, I prefer to look at it out the window, I DETEST the cold! Oh well, January is nearly half over and Spring will be here in a few months. I suppose Spring will be here about the time we are done with the P90X program. That is another thing, every night we have to trudge over to my neighbors house in the snow because he is the one with all the equipment, DVD's, etc and that is where we do our hour to hour and fifteen minute workouts each night. Of course he lives next to the house right behind us, so it's not like it's THAT much of a walk... :)
Well, I suppose I should go eat my first meal of the day before I die of starvation!! I am literally famished as I type this...
Did I mention that the puppies are three weeks old? I guess not, so I suppose they will be ready for their new homes in about three more weeks. Carolyn has two of them sold already, and the rest will go quick I'm sure, they always do... I'll be glad when they are gone myself, because they have taken over my garage and I prefer to keep the vehicles in it during the winter... :)
Congrats on day 10! Sounds like a good program and always good to have someone to do it with.
Yeah, if we weren't doing it together, I'm sure we would have both stopped by now... :)
Day 11 though and still going... :)
Good for you... looks great!!
Maybe I need to find a workout partner outside my immediate family. lol... I need to find a pregnant neighbor who wants to do slow workouts with me - haha!
Do you still have a lot of snow left?
Yeah, if Jimmy and I weren't doing it together, I'd have quit on day two... :)
Yeah, tons left, it has not gotten above freezing though. Supposed to today and tomorrow though, we'll see...
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