Of the whole P90X thing that is... I'm about over it to be honest, but will continue on... :) Other than that? Yeah, just life. Still working on that kitchen downstairs, but these days, I do not do any remodeling during the week, only during the weekends. Too busy with work, family, etc during the week. I'm currently home alone, which is rare. Tanner is ice skating with friends, Chance is at his friends house, of course that is why I am home alone, Carolyn, Taylor and her friend went to pick up Chance and his friend, so I will soon be NOT home alone... :)
I did go get the rest of the drywall today to finish that kitchen, took out the sink and cabinets there and took down the drywall behind them. Yeah, I'm already over it, but continue on I must... :)
Of course at this point I said screw it and quit, I did get it hung on the other wall you can't see though, I suppose I'll finish it tomorrow and try to get the first coat of mud on the new pieces and the second coat on the ones I already had hung, we'll see how that works out...
Taylor and her friend with one of the puppies, I think Carolyn has them all sold already, and they won't even be ready to go to their new homes until February 14th. Of course Chance's dog, Brianna, is pregnant now too, sigh... Yes, that is a mouse trap under the cabinet there. I do believe we have finally eliminated them all, but WOW, what a chore that was!! Started when Chance got a male and female to breed for his snake. Then they "escaped" and now 39 mice later, we are hopefully mice free, what an effing nightmare!! Sigh...
So yeah, that is basically what is going on here. I'm still starving all the time, I eat all day long. I'm about over it to because I really don't like to eat. What can you do? Keep eating I suppose.
You're doing great!! What a difference 18 days makes : )
Thanks... :)
Looks great!!!!
18 days in a row is great! Keep it up!! :)
Looks like you are making good progress in the kitchen. Hopefully it doesn't take too awfully long so you can get started upstairs.
and LOL @ the mice debacle! I'm sure you guys didn't think it was funny, but from here, it's a pretty funny story. :)
Actually, the hardest part is going to be the drywall since I'm not making the cabinets, etc. So once the drywall is done and the slate is down, it will be a simple matter to just hang the cabinets...
Yeah, the mice story is rather humorous, even to us... :)
Funny about the mice ;). Withthe two cats we haven't seen one in a couple of years...
Remodeling is a chore, but the results are awesome! Looks good!
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