Or these two clowns??
Yeah, I'm still undecided because I don't like either one of the choices... Although I have already voted... :) I honestly think that conservatives actually NEED a wakeup call, and I think this is a hell of a wakeup call: Democrat majority in the House, possible filibuster proof majority in the Senate and the White House... Not to mention the possibility of a few SCOTUS appointments... What were the Republicans thinking when they chose McCain?? Who knows, but we'll soon find out how that works out for them, and it's possible that he may even win...
The thing I find the most stunning is idiots like this:
Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!
Big Government will take care of us, go Obama!! Wow! This is PRECISELY the reason that our Founding Fathers DID NOT give everyone a Constitutional right to vote, even though you hear many morons spouting that nonsense over and over... If I was in charge, I would start restricting the "right to vote", only people who are self-sufficient would be allowed to vote, but alas, I'm not in charge... :)
Obama thanks 'gracious' press...
"gracious and understanding"??? The media was so "in the tank" for Obama you can't even make it up...
Wow! on that video! And yeah - the media... I'm sure Obama IS thankful for THEM!
So do you think he went ahead and slipped Grandma some cianide while he was there since she was yakking about remembering him being born in Kenya???
LOL! Could certainly be a 'conspiracy theory' for years to come should he win... :)
Obama definitely was feted by the press, no unbiased opinion on their agenda.
Crazy!!! Who will we call Mr. President tomorrow??? Dare I ask??
LOL! Hopefully we will even know tonight, and it is looking like we might all be saying President-elect Obama this time tomorrow...
Can I just say that I think it's time to start from scratch and start doing the voting via majority vote instead of electoral college? We have the technology for that to work just fine now. If you look at majority - they are neck and neck right now - but of course not by electorals.
So many things we need to just stop and start from scratch in our government! I'd love to be an advisor!!! lol.
Petra- that is so funny! I just asked my mom that last night!
Great minds think alike!!! :D
Well, I was going to attempt to explain why it isn't that way, but this will do:
The Electoral College Versus the Popular Vote...
We don't live in a Democracy, even though our President-elect did mention our "Great Democracy" last night... :)
and there you have it, our new president. did you hear the comments made by the Itialian president? he's young, good looking and very tan
lol - he had to submit a retraction on the "tan" comment
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