Saturday, October 25, 2008

I've Got Nothing...

To post that is... Oh, I've got plenty to say, don't get me wrong... :) Is it Saturday already?? I've GOT to go to the dump today, my trailer is piled high with crap that has been sitting there waiting for a trip to the dump for months now, and the kids are going to be wanting to go on a hay ride Friday, so I suppose I'll go get that chore over with sometime today... I've also not taken any pictures this month for some reason, or at least very few, I go through phases...

I'm also STILL undecided believe it or not, of course I'm sure everyone knows by now that I can't stand either one of the choices, I keep just trying to figure out which one is the lesser of the two evils... Everytime I think, okay, I'll vote for McCain, I come across articles like this:

Make-Believe Maverick...

Most of that I was already aware of, which is why I can't really stand either one of them... Yeah, I understand Obama is all about Socialism, and yeah, I really would rather see divided government than to see Obama, Pelosi and Reid have the majority they need to ram whatever they choose through Congress... I really don't want Obama to be able to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court either, because that is something that can have an impact for 30 or 40 years... I really don't want McCain to appoint anyone either though, therefore the dilemma... I also don't want McCain to attain his "prize" seeing as how he went about achieving it, I don't particularly like to award people like that with their ultimate 'reward'... I also don't like the fact that all these 'conservatives' who have been screaming about 'not voting at all', etc for months are now screaming about how bad Obama is going to be, and to 'vote for McCain'... Can you make up your mind already?? Idiots, what did they think their 'Just vote no' mentality would accomplish?? Someone IS going to win, and 'No' was never an option for actually choosing a President... Morons... So part of me thinks that whole crowd will get exactly what they deserve with the White House, the House of Representatives and a filibuster proof Senate in the hands of three of the most liberal, left leaning people in government... An Obama who may very well appoint one or two Supremes as well... I think they will get what they deserve and perhaps wake up and make some changes in 2010 after realizing that "Just vote no" doesn't quite work out for them all that well... So yeah, I'm still undecided...

Perhaps I'll take some photos for everyone's enjoyment this weekend, who knows... :)


Titus said...

Yea, I'm with you on the choices. I'm very conflicted. They are both bad choices.

Yes, we want more pics!!!

And the dump... doesn't sound like a lot of fun. But sometimes it what we gotta do. :D


Petra said...

I hear you! I think McCain would be better than Obama, but then he's so old that if something happens then we'll have Sarah Palin in the White House and I believe that would be a DISASTER! All those people that were calling her a 'hero', etc. before they knew anything about her - what are they saying now? Are they still saying it because they started off saying it and they don't want to look stupid? I think so. She seems pretty wreckless and her ethics? Yeah - she was all "I fixed the ethics", but the more we hear, the more we realize that she was/is just as unethical as the rest of them! And has anyone even heard her husband speak? He just walks around with that silly grin on his face looking like a dork. Wow. Anyway - that is a "what if" situation anyway... but I still just can't believe our choices!!!

Though I do think Obama will probably win. Maybe if McCain had chosen a different running mate. Maybe.

Anyway, I know we could both go on and on.

Petra said...

I was just reading that article you linked to - and yeah - i hadn't read that before, but I was just talking to someone earlier and had the question of McCain being a POW - everyone is like "oh what a hero" - which YES, I agree - I am VERY supportive of those who suffer for our country, etc. I'm not dissing that at all, BUT I know MANY of the guys just coming home from the War on Terror have PTSD - so how mental must McCain have been after what HE went through??? Do we really want him running the country??? He obviously was messed up when he returned and destroyed his own family, etc.

Anyway... just a thought.

Matthew said...

Yeah, the choices downright suck! I'm probably just going to go in to vote, close my eyes and just hit the pad and see who gets picked...

Matthew said...

Yeah, the whole 'war hero' thing is questionable at best... At least he served, but...

1. He would NEVER have even been a pilot if it wasn't for the whole, "I'm a worthless, don't follow the rules serviceman, but my Daddy is an Admiral, so the rules don't apply to me asshole" thing...
2. Had he followed the rules, he never even would have been shot down...
3. People talk about Obama being an elitist, um, yeah...

As you say though, I (we) could go on and on about both of them... The choices just plain suck, but the "establishment" has given us our choices, and choose we must, eenie, meenie, ...

WHO is marci? said...

well - i'm voting for mccain simply for the issue of the taxes, i pay enough already, being a small business owner - i have to pay people? if i have to pay 3% more a year?? (well, thats not the only reason really, but its enough of one since i don't like either candidate either)


Petra said...

Oh no kidding - McCain and Obama keep calling each other "rich" and "elitist" - um - the pot calling the kettle black?

I'm so fed up with all of them. The more we get into this campaign the worse they all look to me!

Tim said...

I told LeRoy I would just vote for you ever he voted for, :). I have no wish to have McCain or Obama as the leader of our country.

Tim said...

okay that should have been whoever.

Matthew said...

Yup, that's me... Don't like either one, and no one has yet convinced me that either one is the 'lesser of two evils', so I'm still going for the 'smash the screen' and see who gets my vote thing... :)

Petra said...

Matt - I'm starting to think the same thing. McCain is just as bad as Obama - just in different ways. Ugh!