Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why The Messiah Will Win...

Likely in a landslide...


Matthew said...

The McCain camp, as Kristol so eloquently puts it, is incompetent... Which is why Obama will skate to an easy victory in a few weeks unless something major changes, the only thing Obama has to do is not make any huge blunders, which he has not seemed to do as yet... Imo anyway... :)

Petra said...

Unfortunately, I think you're right. :-P

Jackie said...

Yeah, I'm with you.

I just found out that my grandmother's sister voted OBAMA!!! She is a long time Republican. It's over. Let the fat lady sing. :D

Matthew said...

LOL! The more I listen to McCain speak, I might vote for Obama... I'm even aware of how Obama, Reid and Pelosi can really do some damage as well, but I just can't stomach McCain, even knowing that...

Petra said...

I still can't even believe who we have to choose from. :-P

Matthew said...

Yeah, I so dislike the choices, I may actually close my eyes in the polling booth and just smack the voting machine and see which one gets chosen... :(

Petra said...


I'm sure I'll vote McCain just because I can't stand Obama SO much, but I'm going to be cringing the whole time.