Wow! I have way too much going on! I'm slowly, but surely narrowing the list of "things to do" down though, of course there are still MANY things left to do... :)

My neighbor (Kathy) took Chance, Tanner and TJ to Helen before school started, they had a blast! Does look like fun...

The three amigos... Tanner, Chance and TJ... They have a blast together!

Yes, I am about to FINALLY install the sinks and toilet in the pool house, man will I be glad when that effing thing is done!! It seems like I have been working on it forever!!

It's nearly done though, and it's actually a lot further along than these pictures suggest... :) I need to take more pictures though, because it seems like I hardly ever take any these days, I'm so over it, I just go work out there and never have the camera with me...

Today, Matthew and I rebuilt the front porch on Marci's house, yeah, the one she fell through and banged herself up. The wood was all rotten, so we just rebuilt it today, which is why I'm tired... :) Glad it's done though, and it turned out pretty good!
Other than that?? Yeah, just work, kids, life, etc, etc... :) It's all falling together though...
This is why I don't blog much... Why bother.
Looks like the pool house is coming right along! And like the kids had fun tubing!!
For some reason, I was thinking Marci fell through the back deck - glad you guys were able to fix her porch for her!
Sorry... little slow here.
WOW... you built a deck one day?? Incredible!! Nice job!!
The boys look like they had a great time!! Is this the people whoose basement you have been working on?? By the way... is that done? I haven't heard anything about it in a while. :)
You are a tallent!!! :)
Yes, it's them who took them...
I am done with that basement finally though! :)
And yes Jackie, Matthew and I did build that porch in a day... :)
you bother because you are going to save it for your kids, remember :). Love you!
Haha! Yeah, that's why I keep up with it, or try rather... ;) My kids always ask me; "Why haven't you blogged?" So I do, it is a 'scrapbook' of sorts... ;)
Ditto for me :)
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