Yes, I can!!! As most of the viewers know, I have been working on this damn thing for over three years now... I am SO close to being done I can taste it! Literally! ;) Still a lot left to do, but the major things are nearly almost done... I LOVE it too I might add, the pool house that is! :)
(Although, if I DID have it to do over, there would be a swing set there, without question! :)

So I do have wireless out at the pool house, but I MUST have hard wired ethernet!! I have run this cable out there now three times!! Third time is a charm, so they say... Of course the problem now is I got so fed up with it not working that I just ran an ethernet wire out here outside of the conduit! Whatever, it works, I'll duct tape the wire to the conduit and bury it anyway... :) It's FINALLY working now, don't mess with a good thing!

The switch I installed at the pool house, so essentially I have seven hard wired connections up there... :) The more the merrier I ALWAYS say when it comes to ethernet connections... :)
Works GREAT I might add!!!

Yes, I did finally get all the towel holders, toilet paper holder, towel rings, robe hooks, etc, etc, etc all installed!!
So yeah, this is a great moment for me, particularly since I've been screwing with that hard wired ethernet connection for about three days now... :( Whatever, I am so motivated to get this done you can't make it up, I have many, many more things to concentrate on... So yeah, major milestone in this project from hell... :)
It looks fantastic!!
I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to this stuff, but what's wrong with just having wireless out there? :)
lol! Well, a wired connection is much more stable and with wireless, it's too easy to hack into... :)
Good job!!!
Love the bathroom!
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