Most people live for the weekends, I actually prefer the weekdays... :) Don't get me wrong, I DO like the weekends, it's just that my job requires zero physical exertion, only mental, and on the weekends I wear myself out...

I FINALLY got the gas run to the hot water heater in the pool house!! That thing has been sitting there unused for about three years... :) Another milestone down!

Carolyn saw these chairs on Craigslist for free! I was skeptical at first, but went and got them this AM. We put this one in Tanner's room so he can recline and watch TV if he is so inclined... That chair is SUPER comfortable! Nothing was wrong with it either except the piece on the bottom needed a screw put back in it... Gotta love Craigslist!

We also got two of these leather chairs! Super comfortable and they recline! Nothing wrong with them except one needs to have the piece on the bottom reattached. No holes in the leather, nice leather too! Not sure why the guy was giving them away, but give them away he did, so we took them... We'll put the other one like this in Taylor's room...

So after I got the gas run to the hot water heater yesterday, and after I made the 'chair run', I decided to build a little deck to get back to the hose because Carolyn did not like tripping over all that crap on the way to get the hose. I basically had all this wood just laying around from building the deck. I had to buy three boards I think...

The finished product! Worked out quite nice if I do say so myself... LUCKILY my neighbor Jimmy had an extra deck board laying in his basement, because otherwise I would have had to go to Home Depot for the sixth time this weekend! Whew! Thanks Jimmy!
That pretty much sums up my weekend, and I'm GLAD tomorrow is Monday! Many people hate their jobs, I love mine! Hopefully everyone else had a great weekend as well! Is it nearly September ALREADY?!?!?!?! Sigh. The cold is coming...
Yes, Chance and Tanner have their own rooms now... Once Cory bought his house and we moved his bedroom furniture over to his house, Chance claimed that room... :)
Fantastic job honey! Thanks again for your hard work - Looking great!
I was wondering if one of the boys' had taken Cory's room. I'm sure they enjoy having their own space. :)
Great craigslist finds!!! I need to start checking that more often.
Awesome deck!!
They LOVE having their own rooms, and it is WAY less cluttered than both of them in one room... :)
Yeah, I don't check out Craigslist as often as I used to, but it's stunning at times the stuff you can get off of there. Particularly in this economic climate where people are unloading all their stuff to eat and pay the rent...
Awesome on the chairs! The little deck looks good! We also wear ourselves out on the weekend :)!
lol. Yeah, I wear myself out so much on the weekends, that I have a love/hate relationship with winter... :) I HATE the cold, but I don't do anything either... ;)
I know what you mean, LeRoy and I love the house and property but still, somedays it would be nice to have it all done and to just sit. Though we do take breaks :). They love the pond, swimming in it. Nathaniel loves playing with the chickens :). Worth every minute of work!
It IS all worth it Timberly! We still need to come up and visit! We meant to come this summer, but sigh, I'm always too busy... :( NJext year?? :)
*Next... :(
Great little deck!!
Love craigslist!!
Me too! :)
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