I call it the 'project from hell', but it is something that I have done of my own choosing, so I guess I should really stop bitching about it... :) Anyway, it is actually nearing completion, even though I've been saying that for about two years... This time I mean it! :) A few pics of what it looked like as of this AM...

The shower/sink room... Kind of small, but it works quite nice!

Shower/sink room again... I only actually have some paint touch-up to do in that room believe it or not...

Toilet/sink room... All that's left in there is hanging the towel rod, toilet paper holder and a robe hook... (All of which I've had for about two years... :)

Kitchen... I think the only thing left in there is putting the end on the laminate countertop...

Kitchen, different angle...


My new hangout! Satellite, Internet, phone, fridge, microwave, shower and shitter; what more does a man need??

Front view...

All in perspective...
I've been working on this thing since June of 2007... At the time, I was under the impression that I could build it all in six months, yeah, three years later... :) Anyway, other than the items I mentioned, about all that is left outside is: finishing the flagstone on the walkways and stairs; finishing the fire pit area (which you can't see in this view, but it is going to be about where I'm standing to take the pic if you can picture it... :); finishing the slate on the back and sides and a little trim work on the outside, so all in all, not bad since I did it all myself... :) It is, however, time for Matthew to relax for a while!!
Everything looks AWESOME!!! I know you are thrilled to have it all done (aside from the few things you mentioned). Sit back and relax now!! :) :) :)
I might, once the aforementioned items are complete... :)
Nice job honey!! Thank you!!
You are doing an amazing job!!
Thanks! :)
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