Friday, January 02, 2009


Here it is, 2009, my resolutions are working out GREAT too, well, #1 is anyway... :)

Not too much going on, but there never really is around here this time of year. There is practically nothing going on where I work from mid-December until mid-January most years and I rarely do work on home projects either this time of year, although I am usually trying to finish up something right before Christmas... :) We were going somewhere yesterday and I mentioned that I was just going to relax this weekend and Tanner was like, "You haven't done anything but relax all winter Dad!" lol! He IS right though, other than putting slate in the office and Cory's room, I don't suppose I have done too much, but, whatever...

Then I was going to put up pictures from the past year, and I was looking back through my digital pics and I CAN'T believe how few pictures I took over the past year... :( I'll blame that on the fact that my camera sucks and I need a new one, or maybe I should just read the manual for the one I have? Who knows... Yeah, I don't plan on doing much this weekend either, and actually the only reason I'm even posting anything at all is because I am tired of seeing that New Year's eve post... :)

I do think it is going to be a great year though!


Jackie said...

LOL Matt! Sounds like a great reason to put up a new post!! :D LOL!!

Glad you are enjoying your time off! We are too!! I thought I was supposed to work today and I was pleasantly suprised when I learned that I am off!! YIPPPYYY!!!

I have to say, I am actually somewhat looking forward to going back to work. :D I'm kinda getting bored thinking of new little things to do and clean. At least if I am working, I have an excuse not to clean as much! :D Plus then maybe I won't go spend money on random things that I DON'T need!!! :D (my resolution!)

Matthew said...

lol. We just watch movies! Although, I'm about movied out I think, well, maybe come Monday I will be... :)

Petra said...

Any good movie recommendations? Andy just called from the rental place, but didn't see anything he wanted to see - I don't know if he'll come home with anything or not. There are a couple movies I want to see at the video store, but I'll wait and watch those sometime when he's out in the field or something so I don't have to hear the groaning from him that ruins the movie - lol (Mamma Mia and The Women). :)

We took the tree and all the decor down today. Oh, and woke up to an inch of snow on the ground - again - ugh.

Matthew said...

Yeah, I'll put up my 'movie review' for you later Petra... :)

We put all our Christmas decor up yesterday as well, always glad to get that put back in the attic...

Jackie said...

LOL, Petra! Isn't that the funniest thing... the moans and groans that come out of Titus when he REALLY is not interested in watching what I want to watch. I gave up on movies long ago, he makes it so miserable to watch! :D Then he has to go on and on and tell me how stupid it is. :D No fun! But, of course ALL of the movies that he watches all make perfect sense.:D

It must be a "guy" trait!

And WOW, Matt!!! You have watched a lot of movies! :D

Matthew said...

I wouldn't say it's a "guy" trait, or at least it's not a Matthew trait anyway... :)

If I don't like a movie, I'll just go do something else, if I'm watching a movie, and the others don't like it, then go do something else and let me watch the movie in peace! :)

Petra said...

Yeah, Andy usually is quiet... but if he is really not enjoying a movie, it's obvious. Thankfully, he left during The Women the other night and let me and Brittany watch it in peace. lol. Over the years, I have made it clear that it ruins the movie for me if he is groaning and complaining, so he tries to keep a lid on it. haha! :) We actually enjoy a lot of the same types of movies - but there are some that I KNOW I need to watch when he is not here - ha! :)

Matthew said...

LOL, yeah, I can tell if Carolyn doesn't like a movie, she just gets up and says she is going go to read or downstairs... :)