Monday, January 12, 2009


So some idiot knocked out my phone line yesterday and I was without a phone or internet access for a while, of course AT&T said it would be "fixed by Tuesday", fortunately they came out and fixed it this AM! I hate being without internet access though, I'd almost rather be without electricity... :) I know some people would get all pissed off at AT&T and start demanding that someone come out, I feel the same way, but I also realize that AT&T is a massive company and could really give a shit about one person being without phone or internet access, so other than the initial call to report the problem, I'm NOT going to rant and rave and spend hours on the phone because I also know that doing that gets you bumped to the end of the list anyway... Kind of like complaining in a restaurant, why? Bitch about something that I am going to eat so the people who are actually preparing it 'behind closed doors' can 'fix it up right' for me?? Yeah, no thanks! I've worked in enough restaurants thank you. Anyway...

Yeah, I haven't felt much like blogging lately, I actually don't feel like doing much of anything when it's cold out, and winter has really just started here... I am about movied out though, so who knows, there are still about 12 weeks or so until Spring gets here... I suppose I could work on some of the many "loose ends" around here like painting trim, caulking trim where it needs it, etc... I have LOTS of work left to do outside, but I won't be doing any of that until it gets warmer, I just can't do it for some reason, I HATE being cold! Actually, the more I work on this house, the more I don't much care for it. That would be we actually! I think I just need to build a house, a house that is just the way we want it and one that needs absolutely nothing done to it!! We might just do that, of course we would wait until the economy is not in the toilet and our projects around here are completed, so who knows, we might do that in a few years... Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea!

On another topic - TAKE MORE PICTURES MATT!! For some reason, I've taken almost no pictures in the past six months or so, not sure why, just haven't... I do frequently think, "That would make a good picture" or "I should go get my camera", but by the time I would go get it, the 'moment' would likely be over, so I haven't lately... I'll have to work on that... :)

Chance and Tanner are going snow boarding this weekend, so they are looking forward to that. Me? Not so much. Well, I'm happy they are going and I know they'll have a good time, but Carolyn and I have been running around trying to find them "ski" clothes to take and it really seems kind of silly to spend the $$ on skiing outfits that they will likely wear JUST this weekend and that won't fit them the next time they go... What can you do though? Can't let them freeze to death while they are on the slopes... :) So I might have some photos later. Our neighbor is taking them and she is GREAT about taking pictures and giving us copies of them all. Now Taylor wants to know what we are going to do while the boys are "having SO much fun"! She already has a 'list' of things that she wants us to do this weekend, so far the 'list' includes: going to a movie, going to the park, going ice skating and something else that escapes me right now, I'm sure she will be reminding me though... :)

What else is going on? Yeah, other than work, not much! Chance has to get braces, of course we knew that, but wow! Who knew they were so expensive these days. I seem to recall them being around $2K, hah! I wish! $5,400 is what they are, perhaps I should call around for a 2nd or 3rd 'opinion', not on whether or not he needs them, because I know he does, but on how much other people actually charge for them! And I'm not sure about other people's dental insurance, but mine doesn't cover a single freaking penny for braces, nice! Oh well, what can you do?? Not have kids I suppose... I happen to like mine though... :)

Who knows, perhaps I'll get around to actually taking some pictures to put on here this week, time will tell. :)


Petra said...

Yeah, we paid around 4 grand for Britt's braces, and our insurance paid like 2400 in addition to that. Get a good ortho though. :-) oh, and I can't work in the cold either. I can stand there shivering though. lol

Jackie said...

Too bad about the internet! That does suck! :D

We just got some ski gear for ourselves. Went to the thrift store. They had great stuff. I am sure that is hadn't been worn more than once or twice if at all. Works for us! :D

How is the homeschooling thing going?? Haven't heard much.

Matthew said...

lol, yeah, I can shiver with the best of them. You wouldn't think the cold would bother me as much as it does, I used to work out in it for years, oh well, it does!

Yeah, we actually did go to the thrift store Jackie, nothing! Would be good to find some there, because as you say, it's the sort of thing most people probably only wear a few times! Finally found some that are pretty cheap at the Burlington Coat Factory... Homeschooling is going okay, we won't be doing it again though so now I just have to figure out how I'm going to work private school into the budget... :)

Tonya said...

Hunter will be getting his braces within the next few months and his ortho is charging $5190 total. We have to put $750 down the day he goes in to get them on, which is why we waited. Hey, it was right before Christmas. I mean, who has an extra $750 at that time anyway? We do have insurance though. I can't find the paper on what is covered, but since you don't have insurance for that, it really doesn't matter anyway. You just wanted a total. That is for a full set, top and bottom.

We still on for the weekend of the23rd?

Matthew said...

We are... :)

Tonya said...

Good deal. We are looking forward to it. And the kids are ecstatic. I'll call ya a few days before and we can plan what food you want me to bring and stuff. I suppose I could make the kids another candy pizza. :) They seemed to REALLY like that.