Yeah, lame post I know, but whatever... Our next President and Congress are getting practically giddy though with the prospect of spending trillions of dollars here in the next session... Ultimately though, the taxpayers will have to pay it back, and the taxpayers are tapped out. But lets go ahead and create a bunch more government jobs to help the economy! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for doing something, but wow! I suppose they are about to print some money, because China and anyone else who still actually buy our debts are balking at buying any more... What's killing me is all the people who are getting excited at the prospect of more government, do these people not even look at the basic facts?? Take Madoff for instance, swindled people for nearly 50 billion dollars, hell, the government is one of the biggest swindlers of all, take a look at Social Security. It was supposed to be a trust fund, but Congress has taken the money, never saved it, replaced it with IOU's and I'm sure you know the rest of that story... Ah well, I could go on and on about this subject, but I won't... Should be interesting to watch this saga unfold though...
I'm just glad you posted another post, lame or not. lol. I guess the government figures if they squeeze hard enough, they'll get that blood from the turnip.
lol. Yeah, even when I have nothing to post about (not that I don't have something to say about any topic) I get tired of seeing the same post up...
It's stunning to see the same old "borrow and spend" mentality in government though, it will have to end though... Until the government does what many Americans have HAD to do, which is spend less than you make, it will never get better...
It's so insane! Where do they think all this money is going to come from?
I told you, the turnip. :)
Can I have a turnip like that?
I don't think the government will let you have one. They're stingy that way. Lol.
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