But I do not like it when my babies (not that they are babies anymore, but they'll always be mine I suppose :) are gone for 3 or 4 days, particularly when I can't reach them for 2 of those days... Not that I spent all day trying or anything, but called a few times and just got VM, anyway, they are back and they had a great time snowboarding, ice skating, etc. Our neighbor took them to Gatlinburg on Friday and they got back last night. No one took that many pictures as it turns out, but here are a few...

Playing in the snow...

Tanner, obviously, iceskating...

In front of the cabin they stayed at...


Playing pool in the cabin...
They had a great time, and want to know when we are going to go snowboarding again. Does sound like fun, so I suppose we need to plan a trip! I've not been skiing/snowboarding in years, trying to remember and I suppose the last time I went was with Titus and Marci, which must have been 15 or more years ago... So I suppose it's time to go again... :)
Looks like they had fun. :) It's been a while since any of my kids have been gone longer than one night at a friend's house. Jarvis is going to "camp" in a few months though... yikes. :-P lol
Yeah, mine are rarely, if ever, gone for more than one night...
Kristen is the only one of mine that tries to go for several days at a time with friends, but that rarely does happen. Like you all, it just seems a bit odd around the house without them, and I miss them. I don't miss the fighting though. Kristen is quite the little instigator. But, overall, she is a good kid - they all are - and I don't like them being gone. Now, I, on the other hand, don't mind being gone. :)
I know what you mean, Nick has only spent the night away once with a friend. It felt odd with him gone :). Snowboarding does sound fun, LeRoy is the ski champ in our house, but it has been awhile for him too.
lol Tonya!
Yeah... I too hate it when the dogs are at a friends house for play date... LOL!! (J/k... I wanted to participate in the convo) :D
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