Or actually work place, still have to locate the home... :) Nothing is completely final yet, but the doors are flying open at an amazingly rapid pace for even me, funny how things work out when it is "the thing to do"...

We'll soon see if it all works out, but so far, as I said, the doors are opening before I even arrive practically... I'll keep you posted... ;)
How exciting!!!!
Hope it all works out for you guys!!!
Thanks, it is exciting!!! Just waiting on final approval from my company... :)
I dread moving though, we have SO much crap, sigh...
I hope it all works out too! So exciting!!! :) (although I can't imagine moving after 10 years of accumulation... probably time to go through the closets after all that time anyway, huh? Nothing like a move to force you to get rid of stuff - we've only been here a year and a half and already have too much accumulated since the last move - how does that happen?!)
Yeah, it accumulates QUICK!! Really though, the only thing I dread is the attic, we have thrown SOOOOOO much crap up there over the past ten years, sigh...
It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate though, and we always unload stuff at the dump, give stuff away, give stuff to Cory, Carolyn has yard sales, and yeah, there is still a TON of crap, oh well, if we move, I will make sure it is all gone through and properly packaged or thrown out prior to moving, I'm not taking a bunch of useless stuff to our new home... :)
That sounds like a great move! We hope everything works out!!
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