The door's that is... :)
I think the thing that amuses me the most are the people who aren't accustomed to change... This isn't even a "for sure" thing yet, but there are people who actually get an attitude that we MIGHT be moving... Mind boggling. Oh well, one thing I never did was care what anyone else thought, I could not imagine living my life that way. So anyway, we still don't know one way or the other, and we are fine with whatever happens, but like I said, another door opened today, two more to go...
I would add that we as a family, if it all works out, are VERY excited about it and as far as I'm concerned, that is ALL that matters... ;)
The "reasons" people have for "clinging" to a certain area, house, whatever also blow my mind. You have ONE life people, live it!!! Is what I feel like screaming to them...
I don't, but perhaps I should start... :)
Hell, the job I have, I could practically live anywhere in the world as GE has offices in nearly every country in the world and most major cities, and who knows, perhaps I shall take advantage of that... The only requirement for me and the job I have is that I have to be within driving distance of a GE office... Good times! :)
That is awesom!!!
Are the kids excited too?? Sounds like a great adventure for you all!!!
They are very excited, well I think Taylor is the most, she asks me every day, "Have you gotten the final word from your boss yet?" :)
We'll soon find out though...
So you are looking at Jacksonville? I know nothing of living in Florida... is that nice and have good school and LARGE land?? Sounds like fun.... I've never lived outside of California... so sheltered, I know!!! :))
I've never been to Jacksonville myself, looks nice online... :)
If I get approval from corporate to move though, we'll take a trip down there before we make the final decision...
Really?? You've never been there? You Goodlings are dare devils when it comes to moving!! :) I'm far too cautious to move to any ole place. :)))
When do you expect the next door to open?
LOL! Yeah, I suppose we are... :)
It's all up to the Corporate office at this point, they will either say yes or no, I've resigned myself to whichever happens... :)
I AM ready to move though, but I guess that has more to do with the fact that I've been here for 12 years and have never in my life been anywhere that long... We'll soon find out, hopefully next week... ;)
We've driven through Jacksonville on our way to Orlando, but don't remember much :). Sounds exciting though! LeRoy would love to live by the beach, but his job is here. Maybe when he retires...
So what's the news? I haven't even been in Sanford for two years and already have the itch to move again! Of course, that's probably because Sanford has NO shopping or restaurants or beach! :)
Sigh. Still no approval yet, but I'll likely find out next week at our monthly company luncheon. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I'm staying here... :)
For now... ;)
May be for the best actually, who knows. For now anyway... )
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