Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The New Additions...

So yeah, Chance "discovered" the message board at the pet store, and wow! Here are the latest additions:

Chance with his 'new' ball python...

Chance with the python and the bearded dragon...

Tanner was a little iffy about holding the snake, but he doesn't mind holding the lizard...

Chance is the HAPPIEST boy in the world!!! He is SO stoked you really can't make it up, of course he DID just get about a thousand dollars worth of equipment and animals for absolutely nothing!

So yeah, I didn't take pictures of the aquatic turtle, it is in his room, but he loves it too, just went and picked it up, along with a tank, tank stand, light, etc for nothing as well... I DO know that my 'pet food' bill just went up, but whatever, Chance is so freaking happy what do you do?? Yeah, exactly... :)

Edit: Chance was NOT happy his turtle wasn't on here, yeah, they all read my blog, and they have been getting irritated lately because I haven't been posting... :)

Chance with his turtle that we picked up on Sunday...


Matthew said...

And yes, I AM aware that their clothes don't match, but it must be a 'fad' or something, because they NEVER do! I'm also aware that they need haircuts, sigh... :)

Matthew said...

I am ALSO aware that I may need to build an addition on to the house to have somewhere to put all these freaking tanks!!!!

Carolyn said...

Yeah, what's next . . . a fregin alligator!

Petra said...

lol! I need to NOT show my boys this post!!! When they discover you can get reptiles and equipment for free, life as I know it will be over. :)

Yeah, I think the stripes and plaid thing is 'in'. lol

Matthew said...

lol Petra! Yeah, there are a LOT of people giving pets and equipment away for free I have discovered... :(

Matthew said...

Chance LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his snake!!!

Jackie said...

YIKES!!! The whole thing makes me squirm myself! :D

I'm happy to see that Chance is loving his animals! Is he thinking about being a vet?? Sounds like it could be his calling! :D

lol, Carolyn- you took the words right off my keyboard!!! :D

Matthew said...

Chance goes back and forth, but he DOES say: "My first job when I'm old enough to work is going to be at PetCo!" :)

Matthew said...

HOPEFULLY he means that he wants to work at PetCo WHILE he is going to school!!! :)