So yeah, Chance "discovered" the message board at the pet store, and wow! Here are the latest additions:

So yeah, I didn't take pictures of the aquatic turtle, it is in his room, but he loves it too, just went and picked it up, along with a tank, tank stand, light, etc for nothing as well... I DO know that my 'pet food' bill just went up, but whatever, Chance is so freaking happy what do you do?? Yeah, exactly... :)
Edit: Chance was NOT happy his turtle wasn't on here, yeah, they all read my blog, and they have been getting irritated lately because I haven't been posting... :)

And yes, I AM aware that their clothes don't match, but it must be a 'fad' or something, because they NEVER do! I'm also aware that they need haircuts, sigh... :)
I am ALSO aware that I may need to build an addition on to the house to have somewhere to put all these freaking tanks!!!!
Yeah, what's next . . . a fregin alligator!
lol! I need to NOT show my boys this post!!! When they discover you can get reptiles and equipment for free, life as I know it will be over. :)
Yeah, I think the stripes and plaid thing is 'in'. lol
lol Petra! Yeah, there are a LOT of people giving pets and equipment away for free I have discovered... :(
Chance LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his snake!!!
YIKES!!! The whole thing makes me squirm myself! :D
I'm happy to see that Chance is loving his animals! Is he thinking about being a vet?? Sounds like it could be his calling! :D
lol, Carolyn- you took the words right off my keyboard!!! :D
Chance goes back and forth, but he DOES say: "My first job when I'm old enough to work is going to be at PetCo!" :)
HOPEFULLY he means that he wants to work at PetCo WHILE he is going to school!!! :)
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