Chance and Taylor have been BEGGING us to get them dogs for over a year now, we finally broke down and did it! Two female Cocker Spaniels. These two kids are SO happy you can't make it up!

They are cute!! Chance is reading the book I got them and he swears he is going to train his dog good... :)

They are little too! Bo was that little though when Tanner got him.
Speaking of Tanner, he gets back from Savannah today and I will be SO happy when he gets back!! I miss my kids when they are gone!!
Great pics! I'm sure that Chance and Taylor will be great with them.. puppies need LOTS of attention.
Yeah, those will give them LOTS of attention, Tanner just wasn't all that interested... :)
'Those', I meant Chance and Taylor... :)
I'm sure you realized that though...
They are sooo cute. My kids will love it even more now when they come up there. You better watch it. I may not get them to come home with me next time we come up if you keep making it so alluring. lol. They already want to move in with you. They are really cute though. :)
Although, I agree with Tonya... my kids are going to want to stay... or they'll be begging for animals. I'm sure I'll be quickly reminded of when I said (when we moved here) "we can have pets when we BUY a house, but not here cause we're renting." Ugh... be careful what you promise, Petra! lol.
lol! Yeah, kids don't forget stuff like that Petra, at least mine don't. Chance: "Uh Dad, you remember 4 years ago when you said x, y, z?"
We like having them Tonya! When are you coming back up?
Very cute. It is great you got them at the start of the summer. Plenty of free time to train them. Of course, I prefer to get them already trained :D.
LOL Yeah, they are already talking about "mom said we can have pets when we move.. I'm getting a dog, what are you getting?" "I'm getting two cats." "My dog can play with your dog..."
lol Timberly, yeah, me too, but whatever, I do not do training!! They either train them, or they will be outside dogs! :)
Yeah Petra, you may soon have your hands full!! Too funny!! We can start your "pet orgy" off if you want with a few hamsters perhaps??? :)
Or do I need to ask your kids, since you promised and all, just saying... :)
How cute!
I have to start checking these blogs! I'm missing so much.. that FB gets my attention first now! :D
anyway... the dogs are so cute!!
Glad to hear that Chance is going to train his! It's a great idea to do it when they are young. And cockers are smart dogs... it won't take long.
lol... Petra you will have a handful of animals in just a few months... I predict!! :D But you have a beautiful house just waiting for them!! Have you got the keys yet??
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