Okay, maybe not 'hilarious', but I thought it was pretty funny... :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Death In The Family...
Which is why I've not been blogging... Actually, the kids all decided they wanted some fish and half of them died, but it sounds like a good enough excuse to me... :) So they are still learning how to "raise fish", I just keep telling them that the strong will survive...
Yeah, other than that, not much going on. I'd post some pictures, but I haven't taken any in forever, I don't even know where my camera is although I think it is on the back of the piano...
So hopefully I'll get motivated to start taking some pictures soon, I'm running out of movies to watch and am tired of movies anyway. Chance, Tanner and I are thinking of taking a backpacking trip, Carolyn and Taylor are not interested, so we'll see how that works out. I suppose we'll start out with a few hikes and go from there... :)
So I'll let everyone know how that works out... I am signing all the kids up for Taekwondo classes, so they are excited about that. They have a gym for the adults to work out while the classes are going on so I may even amuse myself by doing that while they are in their classes, who knows. I've never worked out in my life though but hey, why not?
I also took all the kids to the dentist today, so that's always fun. Remember that tooth Chance ripped out about a year ago? Then there was the root canal and all the other procedures? Yeah, now it has to come out because it never "took", so we have to go see an oral surgeon to have that done and then he will have to get an implant... I don't think he is looking forward to all that, well, he told me he was a "little nervous" but not too much... Myself? I just can't believe how expensive it is going to the dentist these days, what can you do though...
All I know is I'm excited that January is nearly over because I CAN'T wait until Spring is here, I'm way over being cold!! I'm freezing right now and I'm inside with the heat on?!? I think I've finally figured out that the reason I'm so cold all the time is because I have no body fat, perhaps we should relocate to a warmer climate? At least during the winter anyway... Or perhaps I should just start eating a lot more... :)
Yeah, other than that, not much going on. I'd post some pictures, but I haven't taken any in forever, I don't even know where my camera is although I think it is on the back of the piano...
So hopefully I'll get motivated to start taking some pictures soon, I'm running out of movies to watch and am tired of movies anyway. Chance, Tanner and I are thinking of taking a backpacking trip, Carolyn and Taylor are not interested, so we'll see how that works out. I suppose we'll start out with a few hikes and go from there... :)
So I'll let everyone know how that works out... I am signing all the kids up for Taekwondo classes, so they are excited about that. They have a gym for the adults to work out while the classes are going on so I may even amuse myself by doing that while they are in their classes, who knows. I've never worked out in my life though but hey, why not?
I also took all the kids to the dentist today, so that's always fun. Remember that tooth Chance ripped out about a year ago? Then there was the root canal and all the other procedures? Yeah, now it has to come out because it never "took", so we have to go see an oral surgeon to have that done and then he will have to get an implant... I don't think he is looking forward to all that, well, he told me he was a "little nervous" but not too much... Myself? I just can't believe how expensive it is going to the dentist these days, what can you do though...
All I know is I'm excited that January is nearly over because I CAN'T wait until Spring is here, I'm way over being cold!! I'm freezing right now and I'm inside with the heat on?!? I think I've finally figured out that the reason I'm so cold all the time is because I have no body fat, perhaps we should relocate to a warmer climate? At least during the winter anyway... Or perhaps I should just start eating a lot more... :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Not Sure Why...
But I do not like it when my babies (not that they are babies anymore, but they'll always be mine I suppose :) are gone for 3 or 4 days, particularly when I can't reach them for 2 of those days... Not that I spent all day trying or anything, but called a few times and just got VM, anyway, they are back and they had a great time snowboarding, ice skating, etc. Our neighbor took them to Gatlinburg on Friday and they got back last night. No one took that many pictures as it turns out, but here are a few...
Playing in the snow...
Tanner, obviously, iceskating...
In front of the cabin they stayed at...

They had a great time, and want to know when we are going to go snowboarding again. Does sound like fun, so I suppose we need to plan a trip! I've not been skiing/snowboarding in years, trying to remember and I suppose the last time I went was with Titus and Marci, which must have been 15 or more years ago... So I suppose it's time to go again... :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
100 Things...
Yeah, I stole this from Petra's blog because I really have nothing to say... :) I was trying to figure out how to change the color of the fonts, but then after reading through the list, I realized that I had actually done everything on the list, so it wasn't necessary... :)
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Thought about playing in a band
4. Lived in Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given to charity
7. Been near Disneyland
8. Seen a praying mantis
9. Climbed a mountain
10. Sang a solo
11. Watched people bungee jumping
12. Know people who have visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Have relatives who have adopted children
16. Been out to eat with people who have gotten food poisoning
17. Have siblings who have walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Been to the airport in Guam
20. Slept on a train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a tarantula
26. Gone skinny dipping in a hot tub
27. Run more than 3 miles
28. Have seen pictures of gondolas in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise (around the SF Bay)
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language but no longer remember much of it
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen a documentary on why the Tower of Pisa actually leans
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen photograph’s of Michelangelo’s David online
41. Sang karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt in a movie
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Wanted to visit Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Marveled at pictures of the Sistine Chapel
50. Wondered why the Eiffel Tower in Paris was actually built
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Watched a documentary about the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited a Russian tea house
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Bought any Girl Scout Cookies
62. Seen any whale watching shows on the Discovery channel
63. Got flowers for no reason (other than being a Dad)
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Wondered why people go sky diving
66. Wondered what it was like in Nazi Concentration Camps
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Wondered why quilts are so expensive
73. Wondered what the allure of Times Square was
74. Been to the Everglades
75. Walked off of a job
76. Had any relatives who have seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been passed by a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen pictures of the Grand Canyon
80. Published a book
81. Been fascinated by the Vatican archives
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Ever wanted to walk in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Wanted to visit the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Wondered why you have never been called for jury duty
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby (if being the Father counts)
95. Driven through Texas, home of the Alamo
96. Been in Utah, home of the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100.Read an entire book in one day
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Thought about playing in a band
4. Lived in Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given to charity
7. Been near Disneyland
8. Seen a praying mantis
9. Climbed a mountain
10. Sang a solo
11. Watched people bungee jumping
12. Know people who have visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Have relatives who have adopted children
16. Been out to eat with people who have gotten food poisoning
17. Have siblings who have walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Been to the airport in Guam
20. Slept on a train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a tarantula
26. Gone skinny dipping in a hot tub
27. Run more than 3 miles
28. Have seen pictures of gondolas in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise (around the SF Bay)
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language but no longer remember much of it
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen a documentary on why the Tower of Pisa actually leans
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen photograph’s of Michelangelo’s David online
41. Sang karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt in a movie
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Wanted to visit Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Marveled at pictures of the Sistine Chapel
50. Wondered why the Eiffel Tower in Paris was actually built
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Watched a documentary about the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited a Russian tea house
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Bought any Girl Scout Cookies
62. Seen any whale watching shows on the Discovery channel
63. Got flowers for no reason (other than being a Dad)
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Wondered why people go sky diving
66. Wondered what it was like in Nazi Concentration Camps
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Wondered why quilts are so expensive
73. Wondered what the allure of Times Square was
74. Been to the Everglades
75. Walked off of a job
76. Had any relatives who have seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been passed by a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen pictures of the Grand Canyon
80. Published a book
81. Been fascinated by the Vatican archives
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Ever wanted to walk in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Wanted to visit the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Wondered why you have never been called for jury duty
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby (if being the Father counts)
95. Driven through Texas, home of the Alamo
96. Been in Utah, home of the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100.Read an entire book in one day
Monday, January 12, 2009
So some idiot knocked out my phone line yesterday and I was without a phone or internet access for a while, of course AT&T said it would be "fixed by Tuesday", fortunately they came out and fixed it this AM! I hate being without internet access though, I'd almost rather be without electricity... :) I know some people would get all pissed off at AT&T and start demanding that someone come out, I feel the same way, but I also realize that AT&T is a massive company and could really give a shit about one person being without phone or internet access, so other than the initial call to report the problem, I'm NOT going to rant and rave and spend hours on the phone because I also know that doing that gets you bumped to the end of the list anyway... Kind of like complaining in a restaurant, why? Bitch about something that I am going to eat so the people who are actually preparing it 'behind closed doors' can 'fix it up right' for me?? Yeah, no thanks! I've worked in enough restaurants thank you. Anyway...
Yeah, I haven't felt much like blogging lately, I actually don't feel like doing much of anything when it's cold out, and winter has really just started here... I am about movied out though, so who knows, there are still about 12 weeks or so until Spring gets here... I suppose I could work on some of the many "loose ends" around here like painting trim, caulking trim where it needs it, etc... I have LOTS of work left to do outside, but I won't be doing any of that until it gets warmer, I just can't do it for some reason, I HATE being cold! Actually, the more I work on this house, the more I don't much care for it. That would be we actually! I think I just need to build a house, a house that is just the way we want it and one that needs absolutely nothing done to it!! We might just do that, of course we would wait until the economy is not in the toilet and our projects around here are completed, so who knows, we might do that in a few years... Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea!
On another topic - TAKE MORE PICTURES MATT!! For some reason, I've taken almost no pictures in the past six months or so, not sure why, just haven't... I do frequently think, "That would make a good picture" or "I should go get my camera", but by the time I would go get it, the 'moment' would likely be over, so I haven't lately... I'll have to work on that... :)
Chance and Tanner are going snow boarding this weekend, so they are looking forward to that. Me? Not so much. Well, I'm happy they are going and I know they'll have a good time, but Carolyn and I have been running around trying to find them "ski" clothes to take and it really seems kind of silly to spend the $$ on skiing outfits that they will likely wear JUST this weekend and that won't fit them the next time they go... What can you do though? Can't let them freeze to death while they are on the slopes... :) So I might have some photos later. Our neighbor is taking them and she is GREAT about taking pictures and giving us copies of them all. Now Taylor wants to know what we are going to do while the boys are "having SO much fun"! She already has a 'list' of things that she wants us to do this weekend, so far the 'list' includes: going to a movie, going to the park, going ice skating and something else that escapes me right now, I'm sure she will be reminding me though... :)
What else is going on? Yeah, other than work, not much! Chance has to get braces, of course we knew that, but wow! Who knew they were so expensive these days. I seem to recall them being around $2K, hah! I wish! $5,400 is what they are, perhaps I should call around for a 2nd or 3rd 'opinion', not on whether or not he needs them, because I know he does, but on how much other people actually charge for them! And I'm not sure about other people's dental insurance, but mine doesn't cover a single freaking penny for braces, nice! Oh well, what can you do?? Not have kids I suppose... I happen to like mine though... :)
Who knows, perhaps I'll get around to actually taking some pictures to put on here this week, time will tell. :)
Yeah, I haven't felt much like blogging lately, I actually don't feel like doing much of anything when it's cold out, and winter has really just started here... I am about movied out though, so who knows, there are still about 12 weeks or so until Spring gets here... I suppose I could work on some of the many "loose ends" around here like painting trim, caulking trim where it needs it, etc... I have LOTS of work left to do outside, but I won't be doing any of that until it gets warmer, I just can't do it for some reason, I HATE being cold! Actually, the more I work on this house, the more I don't much care for it. That would be we actually! I think I just need to build a house, a house that is just the way we want it and one that needs absolutely nothing done to it!! We might just do that, of course we would wait until the economy is not in the toilet and our projects around here are completed, so who knows, we might do that in a few years... Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea!
On another topic - TAKE MORE PICTURES MATT!! For some reason, I've taken almost no pictures in the past six months or so, not sure why, just haven't... I do frequently think, "That would make a good picture" or "I should go get my camera", but by the time I would go get it, the 'moment' would likely be over, so I haven't lately... I'll have to work on that... :)
Chance and Tanner are going snow boarding this weekend, so they are looking forward to that. Me? Not so much. Well, I'm happy they are going and I know they'll have a good time, but Carolyn and I have been running around trying to find them "ski" clothes to take and it really seems kind of silly to spend the $$ on skiing outfits that they will likely wear JUST this weekend and that won't fit them the next time they go... What can you do though? Can't let them freeze to death while they are on the slopes... :) So I might have some photos later. Our neighbor is taking them and she is GREAT about taking pictures and giving us copies of them all. Now Taylor wants to know what we are going to do while the boys are "having SO much fun"! She already has a 'list' of things that she wants us to do this weekend, so far the 'list' includes: going to a movie, going to the park, going ice skating and something else that escapes me right now, I'm sure she will be reminding me though... :)
What else is going on? Yeah, other than work, not much! Chance has to get braces, of course we knew that, but wow! Who knew they were so expensive these days. I seem to recall them being around $2K, hah! I wish! $5,400 is what they are, perhaps I should call around for a 2nd or 3rd 'opinion', not on whether or not he needs them, because I know he does, but on how much other people actually charge for them! And I'm not sure about other people's dental insurance, but mine doesn't cover a single freaking penny for braces, nice! Oh well, what can you do?? Not have kids I suppose... I happen to like mine though... :)
Who knows, perhaps I'll get around to actually taking some pictures to put on here this week, time will tell. :)
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Is It Just Me?

Saturday, January 03, 2009
Movie Review...
Yeah, I actually am putting this up for you Petra, since you asked if I had any recommendations... :) I actually can't believe we have watched this many freaking movies in the past month or so, but we have... So anyway, here are my movie reviews. A lot of these are old movies, but when we get bored, we go buy the movies in the $5 bin at Walmart... Yeah, I don't get motivated to do much when it is cold out, but hey, it WAS the holidays!! :)
• Surfer, Dude: 2008 – I actually CAN’T believe I sat through this stupid movie, but I did…
• Eagle Eye: 2008 – good movie
• Burn After Reading: 2008 – kind of stupid, but we liked it for some unknown reason
• The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor: 2008 – yeah, DIDN’T finish this one… Of course I’m not sure why exactly, considering some of the others that we DID sit through… :)
• Traitor: 2008 – I liked this one, Carolyn didn’t
• The Dark Knight: 2008 – I could have passed on this one, not sure exactly what all the fuss was about to be honest, I think if Ledger was still alive it would have flopped, I could be wrong though… :)
• Rise of the Footsoldier: 2007 – unwatchable, although I did manage to sit through about 45 minutes of it before turning it off
• Wanted: 2008 – um, yeah, we did watch it, but…
• Wisegal: 2008 – it was okay
• X-Files: I Want to Believe: 2008 – didn’t finish this one, but I’ve never been a fan of the show either…
• Hancock: 2008 – ridiculous film, although we did sit through it, the kids liked it…
• Mark of Cain: 2007 – turned this one off 20 minutes in…
• War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave: 2008 – stupid
• 100 Million B.C.: 2008 – stupid
• 20 Years After: 2008 – could have been a good film if the directing was better
• Transsiberian: 2008 – I actually liked this one, not exactly sure why to be honest…
• Kansas: 1988 – mildly entertaining if you have absolutely nothing else to do
• The Curse of King Tut’s Tomb: 2005 – did not finish it as it was unwatchable
• Sleuth: 2007 – did not finish it, but we might if we ever have a night when there is nothing else on TV, i.e.: the satellite is out
• Firestorm: 1998 – okay, barely…
• Quicksand: 2002 – we DID finish it, but…
• Wicker Park: 2004 – I actually liked this one :)
• Raw Heat: 1991 – we finished it, but it was kind of stupid
• 15 Minutes: 2001 – I liked it, but then I like most movies with DeNiro in them…
• Archangel: 2005 – Um, yeah…
• Fear: 1996 – kind of a teeny bopper flick, but we enjoyed it actually
• The Watcher: 2000 – mildly entertaining (yeah, we watched a LOT of movies that were just ‘mildly entertaining’ :)
• A Kiss Before Dying: 1991 – okay
• The Fountain: 2006 – kind of a weird flick, but I liked it, of course I was the only one actually watching it after about 3 minutes… :)
• The Final Cut: 2004 – I liked it
• Exorcist II: 1977 – not sure why I had never seen this before, but it was unwatchable, and I normally like movies that deal with this sort of topic…
• Power of Attorney: 1995 – um, I watched it, everyone else gave up on it shortly after it started, so…
• UnFaithful: 2002 – good movie
• The Burbs: 1989 – I watched this one because Petra and Andrea recommended it… Actually bought it on Ebay because I couldn’t find it in any stores… Um, yeah… There were a few funny lines… :)
• The Money Pit: 1986 – I’d seen this before, but it came with The Burbs in a 3-pack of Tom Hanks flicks so I watched it again with Carolyn who had not seen it before, it wasn’t as funny or as good as I had remembered…
• Dog Watch: 1996 – bearable, but ONLY if there is nothing else to do, and when I say nothing, I mean NOTHING!
• Bobby: 2006 – we started watching this one, but fell asleep… I’ve got it on the stack to ‘finish later’ whenever there is absolutely nothing else to do…
• 10.5 Apocalypse: 2006 – I liked this one, but then I kind of like ‘disaster’ movies, not exactly sure why…
• Category 7: 2005 – ditto above
So yeah, we've been "real busy" lately... We actually have watched more than this, the Survivor series for instance, we got seasons 8 and 10 on DVD, so that provides hours of entertainment... I don't recall all of the movies that we might have watched that were rented, so yeah... :)
Hmm... Perhaps it's time to actually do something constructive, but then I really don't LIKE doing anything when it's cold outside, and there are about 10 - 12 more weeks of winter here, so who knows, I'm not sure though that there are THAT many movies left that I even want to sit through, we'll see though... :)
• Surfer, Dude: 2008 – I actually CAN’T believe I sat through this stupid movie, but I did…
• Eagle Eye: 2008 – good movie
• Burn After Reading: 2008 – kind of stupid, but we liked it for some unknown reason
• The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor: 2008 – yeah, DIDN’T finish this one… Of course I’m not sure why exactly, considering some of the others that we DID sit through… :)
• Traitor: 2008 – I liked this one, Carolyn didn’t
• The Dark Knight: 2008 – I could have passed on this one, not sure exactly what all the fuss was about to be honest, I think if Ledger was still alive it would have flopped, I could be wrong though… :)
• Rise of the Footsoldier: 2007 – unwatchable, although I did manage to sit through about 45 minutes of it before turning it off
• Wanted: 2008 – um, yeah, we did watch it, but…
• Wisegal: 2008 – it was okay
• X-Files: I Want to Believe: 2008 – didn’t finish this one, but I’ve never been a fan of the show either…
• Hancock: 2008 – ridiculous film, although we did sit through it, the kids liked it…
• Mark of Cain: 2007 – turned this one off 20 minutes in…
• War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave: 2008 – stupid
• 100 Million B.C.: 2008 – stupid
• 20 Years After: 2008 – could have been a good film if the directing was better
• Transsiberian: 2008 – I actually liked this one, not exactly sure why to be honest…
• Kansas: 1988 – mildly entertaining if you have absolutely nothing else to do
• The Curse of King Tut’s Tomb: 2005 – did not finish it as it was unwatchable
• Sleuth: 2007 – did not finish it, but we might if we ever have a night when there is nothing else on TV, i.e.: the satellite is out
• Firestorm: 1998 – okay, barely…
• Quicksand: 2002 – we DID finish it, but…
• Wicker Park: 2004 – I actually liked this one :)
• Raw Heat: 1991 – we finished it, but it was kind of stupid
• 15 Minutes: 2001 – I liked it, but then I like most movies with DeNiro in them…
• Archangel: 2005 – Um, yeah…
• Fear: 1996 – kind of a teeny bopper flick, but we enjoyed it actually
• The Watcher: 2000 – mildly entertaining (yeah, we watched a LOT of movies that were just ‘mildly entertaining’ :)
• A Kiss Before Dying: 1991 – okay
• The Fountain: 2006 – kind of a weird flick, but I liked it, of course I was the only one actually watching it after about 3 minutes… :)
• The Final Cut: 2004 – I liked it
• Exorcist II: 1977 – not sure why I had never seen this before, but it was unwatchable, and I normally like movies that deal with this sort of topic…
• Power of Attorney: 1995 – um, I watched it, everyone else gave up on it shortly after it started, so…
• UnFaithful: 2002 – good movie
• The Burbs: 1989 – I watched this one because Petra and Andrea recommended it… Actually bought it on Ebay because I couldn’t find it in any stores… Um, yeah… There were a few funny lines… :)
• The Money Pit: 1986 – I’d seen this before, but it came with The Burbs in a 3-pack of Tom Hanks flicks so I watched it again with Carolyn who had not seen it before, it wasn’t as funny or as good as I had remembered…
• Dog Watch: 1996 – bearable, but ONLY if there is nothing else to do, and when I say nothing, I mean NOTHING!
• Bobby: 2006 – we started watching this one, but fell asleep… I’ve got it on the stack to ‘finish later’ whenever there is absolutely nothing else to do…
• 10.5 Apocalypse: 2006 – I liked this one, but then I kind of like ‘disaster’ movies, not exactly sure why…
• Category 7: 2005 – ditto above
So yeah, we've been "real busy" lately... We actually have watched more than this, the Survivor series for instance, we got seasons 8 and 10 on DVD, so that provides hours of entertainment... I don't recall all of the movies that we might have watched that were rented, so yeah... :)
Hmm... Perhaps it's time to actually do something constructive, but then I really don't LIKE doing anything when it's cold outside, and there are about 10 - 12 more weeks of winter here, so who knows, I'm not sure though that there are THAT many movies left that I even want to sit through, we'll see though... :)
Friday, January 02, 2009
Here it is, 2009, my resolutions are working out GREAT too, well, #1 is anyway... :)
Not too much going on, but there never really is around here this time of year. There is practically nothing going on where I work from mid-December until mid-January most years and I rarely do work on home projects either this time of year, although I am usually trying to finish up something right before Christmas... :) We were going somewhere yesterday and I mentioned that I was just going to relax this weekend and Tanner was like, "You haven't done anything but relax all winter Dad!" lol! He IS right though, other than putting slate in the office and Cory's room, I don't suppose I have done too much, but, whatever...
Then I was going to put up pictures from the past year, and I was looking back through my digital pics and I CAN'T believe how few pictures I took over the past year... :( I'll blame that on the fact that my camera sucks and I need a new one, or maybe I should just read the manual for the one I have? Who knows... Yeah, I don't plan on doing much this weekend either, and actually the only reason I'm even posting anything at all is because I am tired of seeing that New Year's eve post... :)
I do think it is going to be a great year though!
Not too much going on, but there never really is around here this time of year. There is practically nothing going on where I work from mid-December until mid-January most years and I rarely do work on home projects either this time of year, although I am usually trying to finish up something right before Christmas... :) We were going somewhere yesterday and I mentioned that I was just going to relax this weekend and Tanner was like, "You haven't done anything but relax all winter Dad!" lol! He IS right though, other than putting slate in the office and Cory's room, I don't suppose I have done too much, but, whatever...
Then I was going to put up pictures from the past year, and I was looking back through my digital pics and I CAN'T believe how few pictures I took over the past year... :( I'll blame that on the fact that my camera sucks and I need a new one, or maybe I should just read the manual for the one I have? Who knows... Yeah, I don't plan on doing much this weekend either, and actually the only reason I'm even posting anything at all is because I am tired of seeing that New Year's eve post... :)
I do think it is going to be a great year though!
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