Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Love Christmas...

Such a fun time of year, especially with excited children running around, of course the older the kids get, there really isn't all that much of a "surprise" element as the kids knew exactly what they wanted, so they kind of know what is in each and every box under the tree... Oh well, it's still fun! I would rather they get what they want, than something we 'think' they want... :)

Attempting to take Christmas photos with my pos camera... I REALLY need to either get a new one, or get my other one fixed...


I'm not even sure I got all that good of a shot, we shall soon see... :)

What else is going on you might ask? Or maybe not, but whatever... Work the rest of the week, then off Christmas week. Got company coming this weekend, and other than that, just trying to stay warm. Which isn't working out all that well, but Spring is right around the corner... (I hope!)


Petra said...

My kids are excited too! I think we have a few surprises... their lists were long enough that we could pick a few things and keep a little mystery going. :)

We're having our family Christmas on Monday before traveling... can't wait!

I'm cold too - so ready for spring!!!

Matthew said...

Hope you have a safe trip!!

Yeah, I'm usually ready for Spring about November... :(

Titus said...

Sounds and looks great! Beautiful tree!!!


Jackie said...

Love Christmas!!!