I hope everyone is doing well, we've been passing around a bug of some sort here, I've felt like shit the past two days, starting to feel better now though. I got it from Chance, hopefully no one else gets it... :) Although, Tanner, sadly, isn't sounding too good... Marci called earlier and was going to come over, yeah, I told her to STAY AWAY! :) Everyone is still in a good mood though, and we all have the holiday spirit going, the kids are all about to go to bed, because they cannot wait until tomorrow morning...

A good time was had by all, always enjoy the fellowship with Mike and Linda. Now, it is time to get ready for the morning... Although, I think the only thing I have left to do is go to bed, we've been done for some time now. Looking forward to the AM, it is GREAT watching the kids on Christmas morning... Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!
Looks like a lot of fun! Family is always great, we just had us and the boys but it was still awesome for Christmas Day!
Merry Christmas!!!
Yeah, it's usually only just us on Christmas Day here as well, Christmas is the only holiday of the year where we never travel. I've just always been of the opinion that kids should wake up at home on Christmas...
Good times though, now on to New Years Eve, then let 2011 begin! :)
Great photos! Looks like you guys had a good Christmas, despite being ill.
Merry Christmas - a little late on commenting because I read this on my phone when you posted... but better late than never. :)
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