Sunday, December 27, 2009


Yeah, I'm sure everyone who reads my blog saw this on FB, but whatever... :) Here's Lucky! Chance and Tanner each have a bearded dragon, they laid 18 eggs, I was going to get an incubator for them, didn't realize they cost as much as they did, so I made my own, following instructions of course... :) Anyway, only one made it to the end! So Chance and Tanner named it Lucky... I did buy them a real incubator for Christmas though...

He is loving life, checking out his new world. We were at Big Canoe when he hatched, so he was stuck in the home made incubator until we got back. He seems to like his new environment...

I don't normally like lizards, but he's kind of cute! :) The kids are ecstactic that one made it, I am too!!


Carolyn said...

Oh, I just love him - can't wait for 18 more

Tim said...

Yeah!! Glad one survived!!

Joshua Goodling said...

Lol - that's cool!

Petra said...

Carolyn - is that sarcasm or are you being serious? :)

He is cute! But probably won't be as cute when he gets bigger... pretty cool he survived against all odds though. ;)

Carolyn said...

Oh, I'm being serious - I like the bigs one's too - I hold them - they are pretty cool creatures.