So, here it is, my first post of 2010 and it's already the 4th??? Oh well, I don't do resolutions, what can I say. I do need to blog more often though as I plan to print it one day and give it to my kids... We'll see how that works out. :)
I don't even really have much to say actually, I plan on finishing my pool house this year (but I've said that now for two years, so we'll see if that happens) as well as getting my back yard graded and grass planted. There, I guess I actually DO make resolutions, those are mine... :)
Here are a few pics from the past week or so, I had a gazillion people in and out, but amazingly only picked up the camera twice, I REALLY need to work on that, sigh...
I don't even really have much to say actually, I plan on finishing my pool house this year (but I've said that now for two years, so we'll see if that happens) as well as getting my back yard graded and grass planted. There, I guess I actually DO make resolutions, those are mine... :)
Here are a few pics from the past week or so, I had a gazillion people in and out, but amazingly only picked up the camera twice, I REALLY need to work on that, sigh...

Titus, Joshua, Marci, Timberly, Terry and myself the day after Titus and Jackie arrived at our house coming back from Paris...

I still can't believe I only took about 15 pictures the entire time everyone was here visiting... :( Perhaps I'll be better at taking pictures this year, I've taken very few this entire year it seems... Yeah, I need to work on that...
Thanks for having us Matt & Carolyn! We really enjoyed it.. wonderful to see everyone!
Great photos!
Yes!!! That was a great time. I can't thank you both enough for having us!!! You guys are the best!!!
I know, about the picture thing. I wish while I was there, I would have taken more. But I think I was almost camera-ed out!! :)
We loved having you both! Good to see you, too bad you live so far away... :( We'll get back out there though after that baby is born! :)
Yeah, I really need to work on my picture taking... :)
thanks for the dinners :) it was awesome to see everyone
thanks for the dinners :) from my email vs. srg lol
it really was great to see everyone, and spend some family time together
Loved seeing everybody! Thanks for having us too!!
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