I suck at blogging lately, but about the only thing I have going on is trying to finish that damn pool house before winter sets in! I figure I have a few months left, and really the only reason that's all I do is I'm OVER working on it and am so close to finishing it that I can't stop! So basically all I do is work and work on that pool house... :)

Other than that, it's been raining, raining and raining some more! I suppose we are lucky, some people lost everything they own and of course no one in this area has flood insurance, so it's just gone! We got some water in the garage and a little in the back rooms where it came in from the garage, but it's all up now and hopefully it will stop raining soon. I do have some more pics, but they are on my server because I wiped my laptop out and reinstalled it and I don't really feel like firing that thing up right now, perhaps later.
The kids have been out of school all week, so they were ecstatic about that, but I guess they don't realize they will have to make it up later... :) Chance's bearded dragons have mated, sigh... I suppose they have anywhere from 12 - 30! So now I have to buy Chance an incubator... Anyone want a bearded dragon? They are GREAT pets! :)
More later... :)
12-30 babies??? I'm sure my kids would raise their hands that they want one, but yeah - I'm not going to tell them. lol.
Pool house is looking GREAT!!! Coming right along! :)
Christmas presents for your kids?? :)
Yeah, I'd be a lot further along if it would stop raining!!! I think we have a week or so without rain, hopefully! It's raining so hard now though that I hope it doesn't come back in the house! :(
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