That's what is going on here... Well, there is life and all that goes with it, but other than that, nothing earth shattering... We did attempt to go bowling yesterday, but all the lanes were reserved for league bowling, which is probably just as well, who knew it was $50 an hour to bowl these days?!? The bowling alley is also a laser tag/bumper car/arcade/etc "fun place" so the kids had fun anyway...

I love these things for some reason, I don't think the kids are quite as enthused about them as I though... :)
I just hope Spring gets here, to stay! Ah, a few more weeks...
Great pic of you and Taylor!!
You are preaching to the choir!!! It is amazing how much a simple act of bowling costs!!! SHOCKING!!! It's fun... not that fun though!
So, no projects at all in the works???
Nada??? :D
Wow! I guess I haven't been bowling in a while... that's ridiculous! :-P
I love photo booths too. :)
Yeah, I haven't been bowling in years myself, but it was $39.95 an hour + $3.99 each for shoe rental, so it really would have been $60 for us to bowl for an hour... There were no lanes available, so it's working for them I guess...
Yeah, nothing Jackie, except still watching movies... There are currently no movies available that I even want to see, we've seen them all... :)
Plenty of projects "in the works" though, but they are all outside, and it is not yet warm enough for me to get motivated to actually do them... Soon! :)
Have you seen any of these? I was wondering if they are any good:
*Revolution Road (I think that's what it's called)
*Righteous Kill
*that one with Ed Norton as a cop... can't remember the name, but it's fairly newish.
Changeling was a good movie, Righteous Kill was pretty good too... I'll watch Revolution Road when it comes out on DVD; we don't actually GO to the movies, we just watch them here... :)
Elegy was pretty good too, one of those movies I NEVER would have rented but there were no other options because I've seen them all... :)
Oh, I thought Revolution Road was on DVD already. I stay in my cave too much these days. lol
I'll check out the other movies, for sure, then. Thanks for the reviews. :) I'm sure I'll be renting more here soon, especially after Andy leaves for his schools next month. I'm just at a point where I hate watching movies that suck, so I need feedback first. :) I don't think I've heard of Elegy - I'll have to look that one up too. Oh, that movie I couldn't think of before - Pride & Glory - have you seen that one?
Pride & Glory was okay, wasn't the best movie I've ever seen... Typical good cop/bad cop flick though... :)
It's actually Revolutionary Road and I think it comes out on DVD in June...
Another one you might want to check out is: Boy in the Striped Pajamas, one of those films I also would never have rented except there were no other options, good film though...
remember that video store in Louisville that would give you a free rental if your movie sucked? We watched that really weird one with Jodi Foster and other people, and someone was always dressed up like a bear? Was it Ally Sheedy? lol!
"The Hotel New Hampshire"... lol, yeah, GOOD film! :)
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