We took the kids to the park yesterday, Tanner loves the skate ramp, so now he thinks it would be great to have one in the backyard... Hmm. I could practically make one out of the scrap lumber I have lying around, we'll see how that goes... :)

Waiting their turn, although Chance isn't nearly as excited about skateboarding as Tanner is...

Taylor prefers to just observe... :)

On another topic, my how times have changed since 1955... :)
Of course I REALLY need to concentrate on actually finishing up ongoing projects prior to starting any new ones, but hey, what's the fun in that?? :)
Cute photos of the kids! Looks like fun!! :)
Oh man - that article!!! No wonder most of the older women I know/have known have gone INSANE!!! lol! "don't complain if he stays out all night"?!?!?! What kind of magazine was this?? I don't think I'd have made it as a "50's" wife. ha!!
lol. Yeah, not sure too many women would go for that these days... How about the "his topics of conversation are far more important than yours"?
According to snopes; it is likely a fake though...
That was too funny!!
That staying out all night cracked me up too!! WOW!!! Too funny!!
Thanks for the laugh!
lol Matt - that was the next one I was thinking of bringing up. "Just shut up and let him talk"... what the heck?? ha.
Oh, and pretty sure if you make a skate ramp for your yard? That Justice WILL come live with you. He already wants to build and do construction with you, ride Chance's dirt bike and Tanner's go-kart, and swim in your pool. The skate ramp would push him over the edge and I'd never see him again as he'd be hitching his way to Acworth!!!
lol Petra, we have plenty of room! :)
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