Timberly, LeRoy and the boys stopped by on their way down to FL, but I only took about 4 pictures for some reason and this is the only one that actually turned out... I REALLY need to start taking more pictures!

Carolyn and the kids took the puppies to the vet for their first shots, they are getting bigger and starting to try to walk around, cute!

Puppies obviously... Yeah, I know that blanket is filthy... Carolyn buys blankets at garage sales for them, so they get a clean one every week... :)

Seems like I am always working on this effing pos! I broke one of the hoses the last time I was working on it, tried to get one at the Bobcat dealer for over a month, kept getting the run around, I finally went down to a nearby hydraulic shop and they made me one in about 15 minutes and it only cost $25... It required a "special" tool that I couldn't find anywhere, so my neighbor took a regular wrench and 'made' a crow foot wrench for me, which worked like a charm! So I finally have that damn thing running again, now to finally get my back yard graded and grass planted, Carolyn will be THRILLED when that day arrives! I will too for that matter... ;)
Yeah, other than that, I'm NOT working on that basement at the moment, waiting on the guys to finish the drywall and then paint, then I'll go over and do the finish work and it will be done! Winding down on the pool house as well, so with any luck THAT nightmare will also soon be complete! The kids were on Spring Break last week, although we didn't do much of anything, of course I was not off of work. The neighbor took them to a Braves game, they took the Marta down to Turner Field, had a blast! Taylor LOVES baseball, so I guess there may be some games in my future... ;) Yeah, I'll try to actually keep something up here, operative word being try... :)
YAYYYYYY!!! A post!!!
You are a busy little bee!!! I can't believe the kids are in the pool already!!! CRZY KIDS!!!!!
Glad to see that the puppies are doing well. They are cute!!
Oh man! I soooo wish we had a pool about now. I'd have been in it today. It's so hot already! lol
The puppies are so cute!! My kids are like "can we buy one??" Ummmm, let me think about that... no. :)
glad you decided to post - you really should take the time to post more often. ;)
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