I, for one, am SO glad winter is over you really can't make it up! Of course it will still only be in the mid 60's to 70's for the next few weeks, but warmer weather is right around the corner!! Taylor and Sarah (girl next door) decided they wanted to take tennis lessons, so they had their first lesson today...

Taylor getting the hang of it...

I don't think the guys were too enthused about just watching, I think they thought they would be able to play on the empty courts, and that wasn't the case...
I asked them if they wanted lessons as well though, they weren't interested... :) Chance wants to go somewhere where he can ride his dirt bike, Tanner didn't really say what he wanted to do, he does want a mountain bike though, so who knows... Not too much else going on around here, getting ready to get outside and finish some of the projects that aren't quite done, but I won't be starting any NEW projects, that I can tell you!! (I hope anyway :)