Kids in front of one of the exhibits...

Tanner and Taylor, it's kind of funny some of the stuff that is considered "art" though...

Another persons idea of art...

These are the ones that kill me though, there were only four pieces in the whole room, all different shapes and different colors... Had names like "Green Curve IV", makes you want to locate the buyer...

Taylor getting her face painted, Chance and Tanner weren't interested. They had various other "craft" things for the kids, but they weren't interested in those either... :)
Anyway, we had a good time and enjoyed the various exhibits and the lunch, although I'm not sure I would have actually purchased tickets myself to go...
Yeah, I AM aware that Chance and Tanner need haircuts... :)
Looks fun! LOL at others ideas of art... I have seen some questionable "art" in museums too. :-)
My boys need haircuts too. Grows too fast! :-)
fun, I remember taking the girls and Nick to the museum in Knoxville. Loved the crafts they always had!
ditto on the haircuts for Nick and Nathaniel :)
Looks like a good trip!
Art... have you seen the art that is made by dogs??? That stuff sells for thousands!!! Crazy!!!
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