Yeah, I can now confirm with first hand experience how people flip their SUV's... Lightly holding the wheel, texting, etc... It was all I could do when the tire blew out, and it didn't just blow out, the tread came off, and I thought the road was bumpy for a while, but when it blew, the wheel jerked so hard to the right, I was lucky I had both hands on the wheel, wow...

The tire...

Me thinking, yikes, and thanking my lucky stars that there had not been much traffic on the road as I had been in the fast lane doing 85...

Yeah, could have been much worse, but we are all still here, and there was a Walmart a few exits up, so once I put the spare on, I went and bought a new tire... :)
That was a very very scary experience - God was definately with us - There was a billboard across the street that said,"Jesus Saves" and oh yes he does!!
Wow! Thank God you guys were okay!!! That is just crazy!
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