I really am not a fan of amusement parks, but my kids LOVE them, so I go... :) This is what Chance wanted to do for his birthday, so off I went with six kids in tow...

The guys all ran off when we got there, so it was Taylor and I together...

Taylor LOVED it, the last time she went was for my company outing in 2003, so she does not remember it, but of course now she wants to go back every day... :)

We did occassionally run into the guys during the day, ran into Chance and two of his friends at the Scream Machine... I remember riding that thing when I was a teenager, I think it was built in the 70's though, so it has been around a while.

And of course we ran into Tanner and Nate twice during the day, this time at Goliath, which was Taylor's favorite ride, she dragged me onto that thing at least 5 or 6 times... :)
We had a good time though, now off to help a friend of mine cut up a tree and install a sink. Fireworks tonight and a picnic and swimming at the lake tomorrow, I love long weekends!
Looks like fun, I mean not to me, but the kids look like the are having fun. I think I would've died of heat stroke.
lol. Yeah, I'm no fan of Six Flags, but my kids love it unfortunately... :(
I like amusement parks - but I have never taken the kids (well, we went to that water park a few weeks ago, but that's not the same as roller coasters). Looks like fun! :)
I hate them, but, the kids love them, so yeah, I take them... Carolyn will usually "have plans" and sadly can't make it, I don't blame her... :)
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